
I am getting the following message when attempting to Merge spreadsheets in
Excel 2002...

{Spredasheet Name} cannot be merged into the current workbook. Workbooks to
be merged must be copies made from the same shared workbook, and must all
maintain the change history for a sufficient amount of time.

Let's see...
1.) I properly created a quot;Copyquot; of each spreadsheet.
2.) I went into Tools ==gt; Share Workbook and ensured the Allow changes by
more than one user at the same time was checked for both copies of the
workbooks I'm trying to Merge.
3.) I went into the Advanced tab within Tools ==gt; Share Workbook and ensured
the radio for Keep Change History for was checked

Now my column headings don't match and I want to merge based on a key...An
Application Number. My good file has close to 15,000 rows. My sub-set file
has 5,000 rows. So I want to see where the 5,000 rows match-up with my big
file of 15,000.

I am all wet thinking that the Compare and Merge function within Excel will
do this for me???

Thanks in advance for your help.

I've run into the same problem. If you're going to merge, you have to
use the _-exact-_ same book that you started with.

For example, I created a shared workbook and sent it out to co-workers
to edit. I also made some changes to mine, and when trying to
reincorporate theirs, I got the same errors as you. Turns out, I had
to reincorporate their edits into the *original* I had sent out.

See if that works (I know you posted awhile ago),
dand06's Profile:;userid=34646
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