Just a questilon. In my ss I had a value erro show up, the formula was
correct and when I tracked down the cell that the formla was using it was
blank. I clicked on the cell (blank , no formula or anything else) and hit
delete, this cleared the vaule error. Does anyone know what this is, this is
the second time it has happened, Haunting?
thanks scott
Some people have a bad habit of 'clearing' a cell's value by pressing the
Spacebar followed by Enter. Put a space back in the cell that you deleted
and see if that exhumes your error. If so, find out who is doing the
dastardly deed and spank them.
quot;scottquot; wrote:
gt; Just a questilon. In my ss I had a value erro show up, the formula was
gt; correct and when I tracked down the cell that the formla was using it was
gt; blank. I clicked on the cell (blank , no formula or anything else) and hit
gt; delete, this cleared the vaule error. Does anyone know what this is, this is
gt; the second time it has happened, Haunting?
gt; thanks scott
I have also seen this before, but I don't know if my situation is the
same as yours. My experience has only been with files originally
created in an older software program (such as Lotus 1-2-3 or even
earlier versions of Excel).
You can either fix this by finding and clearing said ghost cells, or
you can also change the way Excel deals with them by toggling the
following settings:
Tools -gt; Options -gt; Transition -gt; Transition Formula Evaluation
Tools -gt; Options -gt; Transition -gt; Transition Formula Entry
Hope this info helps.--
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- Apr 21 Sat 2007 20:36
Ghost numbers in blank cells