I posted a request for help to open a .wks file in Excel. Mike Rogers replied
that he thinks the only way is to open the files in MSWorks and then 'save
as' with .xls extentions. Thanks Mike, that confirmed what I thought. Problem
is I don't have MSWorks. Is there someone out there with MSWorks willing to
convert the files for me? There are just ten files. If you could help please
email me directly at . Thanks.
If you get no response then
www.rl-software.com/converter...b-to-excel.htm might help,
but I have no idea what 49 euro is in your currency.
Richard Dear Wrote:
gt; I posted a request for help to open a .wks file in Excel. Mike Rogers
gt; replied
gt; that he thinks the only way is to open the files in MSWorks and then
gt; 'save
gt; as' with .xls extentions. Thanks Mike, that confirmed what I thought.
gt; Problem
gt; is I don't have MSWorks. Is there someone out there with MSWorks
gt; willing to
gt; convert the files for me? There are just ten files. If you could help
gt; please
gt; email me directly at . Thanks.--
Bryan Hessey
Bryan Hessey's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=21059
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=535254In article gt;, Bryan Hessey gt; wrote:
gt;If you get no response then
gt;www.rl-software.com/converter...b-to-excel.htm might help,
gt;but I have no idea what 49 euro is in your currency.
About $100
XL 2003 will read works 2 files.
gt;Richard Dear Wrote:
gt;gt; I posted a request for help to open a .wks file in Excel. Mike Rogers
gt;gt; replied
gt;gt; that he thinks the only way is to open the files in MSWorks and then
gt;gt; 'save
gt;gt; as' with .xls extentions. Thanks Mike, that confirmed what I thought.
gt;gt; Problem
gt;gt; is I don't have MSWorks. Is there someone out there with MSWorks
gt;gt; willing to
gt;gt; convert the files for me? There are just ten files. If you could help
gt;gt; please
gt;gt; email me directly at . Thanks.
I believe you find life such a problem because you think there are the good
people and the bad people. You're wrong, of course. There are, always and
only, the bad people, but some of them are on opposite sides.
Lord Vetinari in Guards ! Guards ! - Terry Pratchett
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- Apr 21 Sat 2007 20:36
Converting a .wks file to .xls