
Hey all you smarties out there! Here is what I have: Column E with
these two formats: =AND(EvalCell(E3)lt;D3,TODAY()gt;G3), and
=AND(E3lt;D3,TODAY()gt;G3). I created a UDF quot;EvalCellquot; to be able to
calculate if I have 3 1 in a cell, representing that I received 3 items
in one shipment, and 1 more item in a separate shipment. In column D, I
might have the same 3 1. I need the computer to recognize that this is
4, and that columns D and E are equal. right now, if they aren't
equal, ie E, the received column is less than D the ordered column, E
turns red to alert me that something was not delivered. Column E and
it's formulas are fine and they work, but I need to format Column D so
that it recognizes 3 1=4, and subsequently Column E recognizes that
they are both equal. Can anyone help? Thanks a bunch.--
Roz's Profile:;userid=29746
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Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

quot;Rozquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Hey all you smarties out there! Here is what I have: Column E with
gt; these two formats: =AND(EvalCell(E3)lt;D3,TODAY()gt;G3), and
gt; =AND(E3lt;D3,TODAY()gt;G3). I created a UDF quot;EvalCellquot; to be able to
gt; calculate if I have 3 1 in a cell, representing that I received 3 items
gt; in one shipment, and 1 more item in a separate shipment. In column D, I
gt; might have the same 3 1. I need the computer to recognize that this is
gt; 4, and that columns D and E are equal. right now, if they aren't
gt; equal, ie E, the received column is less than D the ordered column, E
gt; turns red to alert me that something was not delivered. Column E and
gt; it's formulas are fine and they work, but I need to format Column D so
gt; that it recognizes 3 1=4, and subsequently Column E recognizes that
gt; they are both equal. Can anyone help? Thanks a bunch.
gt; --
gt; Roz
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; Roz's Profile:;userid=29746
gt; View this thread:

Thanks Bob, It kind of works...but both cells that this function/formula
applies to only works if the numbers are the 3 3 in D and 3 3
in E. My problem is that while I may have orderd 3 items, then ordered
3 more, I may receive them in say 4 items in the first shipment, and 2
items in the second. Excel will look at 3 3 in D and 4 2 in E and
still recognize E as being less than D and turn it red, even though
they are equal. I need this formula to recognize any combination of
numbers as long as they are equal. If not equal then E turns red. Any
Roz's Profile:;userid=29746
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It depends upon how your EvalCell is written. I knocked up a quickie, and
thet returned equal for 3 3 and 4 2.

What does your function look like?


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

quot;Rozquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Thanks Bob, It kind of works...but both cells that this function/formula
gt; applies to only works if the numbers are the 3 3 in D and 3 3
gt; in E. My problem is that while I may have orderd 3 items, then ordered
gt; 3 more, I may receive them in say 4 items in the first shipment, and 2
gt; items in the second. Excel will look at 3 3 in D and 4 2 in E and
gt; still recognize E as being less than D and turn it red, even though
gt; they are equal. I need this formula to recognize any combination of
gt; numbers as long as they are equal. If not equal then E turns red. Any
gt; thoughts?
gt; --
gt; Roz
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; Roz's Profile:;userid=29746
gt; View this thread:

Well, I created the new function like you said, and copied letter for
letter, space for space what you wrote. Then I added in the pertaining
cells the new conditional format with the eval cell. I then had to add
another condition with the original formula =AND(E3lt;D3,TODAY()gt;G3),
because if I only had the one condition with the evalcell, it would
only turn the cell red if there was a 3 1 type of formula in it, rather
than a single digit. I need it to do both. It wonderfully works now!
It works if E is less than D, if there is 3 1 in D and 3 1 in E, or
even if ther is 4 in D and 3 1 in E. The only time it doesn't work is
if I have 3 1 in D, and 4 in E it does not recognize this as the same.
I tried to put =EvalCell(D3) only in column D, but that doesn't do it.
Am I missing something?--
Roz's Profile:;userid=29746
View this thread: us the EvalCell code.


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

quot;Rozquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Well, I created the new function like you said, and copied letter for
gt; letter, space for space what you wrote. Then I added in the pertaining
gt; cells the new conditional format with the eval cell. I then had to add
gt; another condition with the original formula =AND(E3lt;D3,TODAY()gt;G3),
gt; because if I only had the one condition with the evalcell, it would
gt; only turn the cell red if there was a 3 1 type of formula in it, rather
gt; than a single digit. I need it to do both. It wonderfully works now!
gt; It works if E is less than D, if there is 3 1 in D and 3 1 in E, or
gt; even if ther is 4 in D and 3 1 in E. The only time it doesn't work is
gt; if I have 3 1 in D, and 4 in E it does not recognize this as the same.
gt; I tried to put =EvalCell(D3) only in column D, but that doesn't do it.
gt; Am I missing something?
gt; --
gt; Roz
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; Roz's Profile:;userid=29746
gt; View this thread:

Function EvalCell(RefCell As String)
EvalCell = (RefCell)
End Function

It will do the 3 3 in D, and 4 2 in E, and come up equal. But my issue
now is that if I have 2 2 in D and 4 in E, it doesn't recognize that as
being equal, or any other combo of numbers that equal 4. I tried to put
in an eval cell in D, but I must have done it wrong. Any thoughts?--
Roz's Profile:;userid=29746
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Function EvalCell(RefCell As Range)
EvalCell = Evaluate(RefCell.Value)
End Function--

Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

quot;Rozquot; gt; wrote in message
gt; Function EvalCell(RefCell As String)
gt; Application.Volatile
gt; EvalCell = (RefCell)
gt; End Function
gt; It will do the 3 3 in D, and 4 2 in E, and come up equal. But my issue
gt; now is that if I have 2 2 in D and 4 in E, it doesn't recognize that as
gt; being equal, or any other combo of numbers that equal 4. I tried to put
gt; in an eval cell in D, but I must have done it wrong. Any thoughts?
gt; --
gt; Roz
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; Roz's Profile:;userid=29746
gt; View this thread:

The function I posted works for me. Why the Evaluate added in your version?

Function EvalCell(RefCell As String)
EvalCell = (RefCell)
End Function

D3 contains (6 3 3)/4

=EvalCell(D3) returns 3GordOn Wed, 21 Dec 2005 19:10:06 -0000, quot;Bob Phillipsquot;
gt; wrote:

gt;Function EvalCell(RefCell As Range)
gt;EvalCell = Evaluate(RefCell.Value)
gt;End Function

Strange Gord, because it doesn't for me. It returns exactly the same string.
I have to evaluate it to get a value.

Bobquot;Gord Dibbenquot; lt;gorddibbATshawDOTcagt; wrote in message
gt; Bob
gt; The function I posted works for me. Why the Evaluate added in your
gt; Function EvalCell(RefCell As String)
gt; 'Application.Volatile
gt; EvalCell = (RefCell)
gt; End Function
gt; D3 contains (6 3 3)/4
gt; =EvalCell(D3) returns 3
gt; Gord
gt; On Wed, 21 Dec 2005 19:10:06 -0000, quot;Bob Phillipsquot;
gt; gt; wrote:
gt; gt;Use
gt; gt;
gt; gt;Function EvalCell(RefCell As Range)
gt; gt;EvalCell = Evaluate(RefCell.Value)
gt; gt;End Function

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