Is there a way to enter a function into a sentence in Excel? As in the
following example, I am trying to type a sentence with a function to
automatically display the results of a cell in the same sentence:
This quote is based on an total lump sum estimate not to exceed quot;$10,000quot;=quot;this quote...quot; amp; text(a1,quot;$#,##0.00quot;) amp; quot; and is due quot; amp; text(b1,quot;mm/dd/yyyyquot;)
Joe Reyes wrote:
gt; Is there a way to enter a function into a sentence in Excel? As in the
gt; following example, I am trying to type a sentence with a function to
gt; automatically display the results of a cell in the same sentence:
gt; This quote is based on an total lump sum estimate not to exceed quot;$10,000quot;
Dave Peterson
I'm not sure if I understand your question correctly but I'm making the
assumption that the $10,000 is the variable, and is what you want to
insert into the sentence from a cell value somewhere else.
If you have your quot;not to exceedquot; amount in cell A1.
Enter this formula:
=quot;This quote is based on an total lump sum estimate not to exceed
This will give you a sentance that always reads the same except for the
quot;not to exceedquot; dollar amount which will change as you calculate it
differently for each individual.
Hope that helps.--
qwopzxnm's Profile:;userid=27557
View this thread:
- Apr 21 Sat 2007 20:37
how do i enter a function in a sentence