
Hi all,

Would like to find out how to do I use the Excel built-in functions to
- compare following item A (Col A) amp; B columns data (Col C), if found matching, further comparing their Qty data
-Qty B (Col D) could be less than Qty A (Col B)
- thus display the result in new column with values eg, quot;Qty matchedquot;, quot;Less Qtyquot;, quot;Item A not foundquot; in Col E

item A Qty A item B Qty B
BBF345 1248 BBF345 1248
BGF378 1255 BGF378 1255
HCZ733 1206 HCZ733 1206
HCZ123 1241 HCZ123 1241
HCZ267 1256 HCZ267 1256
HJP300 1258 HJP300 1250
HUP005 1258 HUP005 1258
TRY001 1260 TRY001 1260
HIT888 1259 HIT888 1208
GOOD33 1259 GOOD33 1235
WHY099 1234 WHY099 1178
AAA876 1006thanks.

When you search for match on same row, then
IF(A2=C2,IF(D2lt;B2,quot;Less Qtyquot;,IF(D2gt;B2,quot;???quot;,quot;Qty matchedquot;)),quot;Item quot; amp; A2 amp; quot;
not foundquot;)--
Arvi Laanemets
( My real mail address: arvi.laanemetslt;atgt; )

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