Hi everyone.You have cell where values are entered, but it has a formula in it. How
can I protect the formula and still let the user enter data in it?
How do I RESET the table to its orginal state. Say all cells should be
set to quot;oquot; or quot;emptyquot; and everything, formulas, formatting for the
entire table goes back to when first opened.
Please see Pic in attachement (having problems with my server uploading
the file). Pls let me know if get to see the pic, I am learning...
Enrique -------------------------------------------------------------------
|Filename: Excel cells in magenta.jpg |
|Download: www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=4145 |
Enrique Mahecha
Enrique Mahecha's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=10276
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=495619gt;gt;How can I protect the formula and still let the user enter data in it?
How can I eat my cake and have it too? You can't. For your second question
I'd suggest you have a pure copy of your input area are hidden off somewhere
and copy it on top of the real input area via macro when needed.
quot;Enrique Mahechaquot;
lt;Enrique.Mahecha.20gmim_1135285800.9505@excelfor um-nospam.comgt; wrote in
message news:Enrique.Mahecha.20gmim_1135285800.9505@excelf orum-nospam.com...
| Hi everyone.
| You have cell where values are entered, but it has a formula in it. How
| can I protect the formula and still let the user enter data in it?
| Or
| How do I RESET the table to its orginal state. Say all cells should be
| set to quot;oquot; or quot;emptyquot; and everything, formulas, formatting for the
| entire table goes back to when first opened.
| Please see Pic in attachement (having problems with my server uploading
| the file). Pls let me know if get to see the pic, I am learning...
| Enrique
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
||Filename: Excel cells in magenta.jpg |
||Download: www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=4145 |
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| --
| Enrique Mahecha
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Enrique Mahecha's Profile:
| View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=495619
In all honesty, I thought there was kind of secret way to proctect the
formula in a cell and use it at the same time...
Anyway, your suggestion seems to fit the bill. I'll start tinkering
with it.ThanksEM--
Enrique Mahecha
Enrique Mahecha's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=10276
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=495619How about using a couple of helper cells?
Use A3 for the formula
Use B3 for the user input
Use C3 to determine which should be used:
Enrique Mahecha wrote:
gt; Hi everyone.
gt; You have cell where values are entered, but it has a formula in it. How
gt; can I protect the formula and still let the user enter data in it?
gt; Or
gt; How do I RESET the table to its orginal state. Say all cells should be
gt; set to quot;oquot; or quot;emptyquot; and everything, formulas, formatting for the
gt; entire table goes back to when first opened.
gt; Please see Pic in attachement (having problems with my server uploading
gt; the file). Pls let me know if get to see the pic, I am learning...
gt; TIA
gt; Enrique
gt; -------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; |Filename: Excel cells in magenta.jpg |
gt; |Download: www.excelforum.com/attachment.php?postid=4145 |
gt; -------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; --
gt; Enrique Mahecha
gt; ------------------------------------------------------------------------
gt; Enrique Mahecha's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=10276
gt; View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=495619
Dave Peterson
Actually I did not have time to try your suggestion, cause as the other
guys suggested, making a pure copy of the table and simply pasting in
on the quot;working tablequot; with a macro, actually works pretty well. BUT, I
will try it later as soon as I learn a little more. I am just too green
right now, but I am learning...Thank you.
Enrique Mahecha
Enrique Mahecha's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...oamp;userid=10276
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=495619
- Jun 22 Fri 2007 20:38
how to protect formulas in a cell