Using Excel 2003, need to compare column B on spreadsheet 1 to column C on
spreadsheet 2 and get results if a match is found. In column B the name
Betty appears, I want to know if it appears anywhere in column C on the other
Something like this maybe:
=IF(COUNTIF(Sheet2!$C$1:$C$8,B1)gt;0,B1 amp; quot; Found on Sheet2!quot;,quot;quot;)
Kevin Vaughnquot;BettysAnswerquot; wrote:
gt; Using Excel 2003, need to compare column B on spreadsheet 1 to column C on
gt; spreadsheet 2 and get results if a match is found. In column B the name
gt; Betty appears, I want to know if it appears anywhere in column C on the other
gt; spreadsheet.