Excel 2003 shows a filter arrow on data rows, to select/deselect single items.
Can I apply custom settings as you can on Autofilter?
I want to show data only of product codes containing quot;FGquot; not for all
product codes.
I can't use the Page Field as I have many product codes that inclued quot;FGquot; as
part of the product code, and this only allows one at a time, I want to see
all those containing quot;FGquot;
Hi Lisa,
you can indeed use the page field.
Drag the product codes to the Page Field. Leave quot;allquot; selected
1- right click on top of product code bar.
2 - Select quot;Field Settingsquot;: at the botton you have the option to Hide
3- Just select the ones that DONT contain FG on it.
4- Eureka!--
Portuga's Profile: www.excelforum.com/member.php...foamp;userid=6385
View this thread: www.excelforum.com/showthread...hreadid=523026You could add a helper column to your source data that will indicate if the
product code contains quot;fgquot;.
If A1 contains product codes i.e.:
Add the formula =if(isnumber(search(quot;fgquot;,a1)),quot;yesquot;,quot;noquot;) to the cell beside
your product code and copy down.
Your table will look like this
123FG yes
FG123 yes
1FG23 yes
123 no
If you include both columns in your pivot, then you can filter for the quot;yesesquot;
quot;Lisaquot; wrote:
gt; Excel 2003 shows a filter arrow on data rows, to select/deselect single items.
gt; Can I apply custom settings as you can on Autofilter?
gt; I want to show data only of product codes containing quot;FGquot; not for all
gt; product codes.
gt; I can't use the Page Field as I have many product codes that inclued quot;FGquot; as
gt; part of the product code, and this only allows one at a time, I want to see
gt; all those containing quot;FGquot;
You can type a single character to the right of your last pivot table column
(outside of the table). Then datafilter on that character and you will be
able to use the data filter on the pivot table fields. It has limited use
but it's an option to try.
quot;Lisaquot; wrote:
gt; Excel 2003 shows a filter arrow on data rows, to select/deselect single items.
gt; Can I apply custom settings as you can on Autofilter?
gt; I want to show data only of product codes containing quot;FGquot; not for all
gt; product codes.
gt; I can't use the Page Field as I have many product codes that inclued quot;FGquot; as
gt; part of the product code, and this only allows one at a time, I want to see
gt; all those containing quot;FGquot;
Hi Lisa
I would be inclined to create an extra column in my source data. Don't
forget to then extend the source range in your PT)
If the FG is the first 2 characters of the code, then just enter
=LEFT(A1,2) substituting the reference where your code appears for A1.
Include this field in the row area of your PT, double click on the field
and set Subtotals to None.
Use this field to filter for your FG items.
If it is not as simple as the first 2 characters, then use the MID()
Don't forget to then extend the source range in your PT.
Roger Govierquot;john andersonquot; gt; wrote in
message ...
gt; You can type a single character to the right of your last pivot table
gt; column
gt; (outside of the table). Then datafilter on that character and you
gt; will be
gt; able to use the data filter on the pivot table fields. It has limited
gt; use
gt; but it's an option to try.
gt; quot;Lisaquot; wrote:
gt;gt; Excel 2003 shows a filter arrow on data rows, to select/deselect
gt;gt; single items.
gt;gt; Can I apply custom settings as you can on Autofilter?
gt;gt; I want to show data only of product codes containing quot;FGquot; not for all
gt;gt; product codes.
gt;gt; I can't use the Page Field as I have many product codes that inclued
gt;gt; quot;FGquot; as
gt;gt; part of the product code, and this only allows one at a time, I want
gt;gt; to see
gt;gt; all those containing quot;FGquot;
- Nov 21 Wed 2007 20:40
Pivot Table Filter