I have a large workbook with several similar versions of data. On the most
current sheet I cannot filter a column of numbers with the custom gt; and lt;
criteria. When I try to filter this way, it takes me one row past the end of
the data and does not display any of the existing data. I have already
confirmed that these are formatted as numbers and not text.
The older (similar) worksheets in the same file will functiion correctly
with the exact same filter criteria.Just because the cells are formatted as number, doesn't mean the value in the
cells are numbers.
You can convert Text Numbers to Number Numbers by:
select an empty cell
select the range to fix
edit|Paste special|add
Then try your filter once more.
dsmm wrote:
gt; I have a large workbook with several similar versions of data. On the most
gt; current sheet I cannot filter a column of numbers with the custom gt; and lt;
gt; criteria. When I try to filter this way, it takes me one row past the end of
gt; the data and does not display any of the existing data. I have already
gt; confirmed that these are formatted as numbers and not text.
gt; The older (similar) worksheets in the same file will functiion correctly
gt; with the exact same filter criteria.
Dave Peterson
- Nov 21 Wed 2007 20:40
Custom Filter not functioning