I hate it when it is hard to describe the problem...the answer is probably
easy though, I just need pointing in the correct direction.
Column A is for the customer to enter his quantity ordered. This number
could be ZERO if he is not ordering a specific product or it could be
multiples of the minimum case lot.
Column B has the minimum case lot.
If a number is entered into Col A how do I raise a flag if it is not at
least the minimum in Col B. I don't need to make sure that it is the correct
multiple of the minimum...just that it is equal to or greater than the
minimum IFF it is not a zero.
Any and all suggestions will be appreicated.
Conditional formatting will work if the user entry cell is next to the
case lot cell for that row. I got it to work with this conditional
formatting formula:
=AND(A3lt;gt;0,A3lt;B3)Why not conditional formatting? You could make the cell in Column A turn red
if it's greater than zero AND less than Column B.
Another option is to raise a flag in Column C (e.g., quot;Quantity must be at
least ##quot;) with the same logic.
quot;I Am Cdnquot; wrote:
gt; I hate it when it is hard to describe the problem...the answer is probably
gt; easy though, I just need pointing in the correct direction.
gt; Column A is for the customer to enter his quantity ordered. This number
gt; could be ZERO if he is not ordering a specific product or it could be
gt; multiples of the minimum case lot.
gt; Column B has the minimum case lot.
gt; If a number is entered into Col A how do I raise a flag if it is not at
gt; least the minimum in Col B. I don't need to make sure that it is the correct
gt; multiple of the minimum...just that it is equal to or greater than the
gt; minimum IFF it is not a zero.
gt; Any and all suggestions will be appreicated.
gt; Thanks
Thanks folks...I have tried both, the formulae show, I can see the logic in
the conditional formatting screen but when I save it all and test it nothing
Is there something I have missed such as quot;turning it onquot;?
Thanks again
quot;BekkiMquot; wrote:
gt; Why not conditional formatting? You could make the cell in Column A turn red
gt; if it's greater than zero AND less than Column B.
gt; Another option is to raise a flag in Column C (e.g., quot;Quantity must be at
gt; least ##quot;) with the same logic.
gt; quot;I Am Cdnquot; wrote:
gt; gt; I hate it when it is hard to describe the problem...the answer is probably
gt; gt; easy though, I just need pointing in the correct direction.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Column A is for the customer to enter his quantity ordered. This number
gt; gt; could be ZERO if he is not ordering a specific product or it could be
gt; gt; multiples of the minimum case lot.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Column B has the minimum case lot.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; If a number is entered into Col A how do I raise a flag if it is not at
gt; gt; least the minimum in Col B. I don't need to make sure that it is the correct
gt; gt; multiple of the minimum...just that it is equal to or greater than the
gt; gt; minimum IFF it is not a zero.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Any and all suggestions will be appreicated.
gt; gt;
gt; gt; Thanks
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
gt; gt;
I'm not a whiz-bang at conditional formatting, and whenever I use it
(which is infrequently) I have to enter the formula, close all the
conditional formatting setup windows, and then re-open them. I usually
find that Excel has added quot; quot; quote marks to the formula, which I
subsequently remove to make the conditional formatting work. Could
this be the case for you?
- Nov 21 Wed 2007 20:40
I think that it's not conditional formatting...what is it?