I've been interested in a mic pre amp for awhile now...I got my buddy's shure sm57 but it won't work just plugged right into my sound card..cuz I need a pre amp...

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I got the Pearly gates, the zebra ones,

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George and Randall announced that they were working on a signature amps awhile back and it was supposed to be revealed at the summer NAMM, but i havent seen or heard anything since then. Does anyone have any info on that and or the new Screamin Demon V pickup thats supposed to be on his V style ESP guitar?

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I know they are different in a lot of ways but they are similar in some ways as well. I have never tried a DD but I just won on on Ebay and I may replace a PG bridge in one of my guitars with it and would like to know what I might expect. Is the DD brighter, better cleans, raspier, etc.

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Used to play an LP but I picked up my strat a few years ago and I am LOVING her! She's my baby!

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I far prefer the ease and quickness of online ordering but I've found doing it by phone is a much better experience. When I talked to Carvin about ordering my CT3M I got all the information I needed and more options were available than there were online. I just called Music123 about purchasing an ESP Eclipse II and for calling and getting pricing and availability information he gave me $20 off the web price. Not much but hey not bad either. Granted both of these items are high priced, a grand and higher so I assume salespeople are more willing to work with you in that case, but it's still nice to know there are companies that work for your business. Unlike some others (ahem Gibson Fender)

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Started on my Febson or Ginder dream p90 platform and would appreciate a quick look at the following before I start wiring to see if I've got any shorts or other problems-

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1650 is a GREAT price for this guitar....

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Yes tube amps sound sweet. I love the tone of my YCV40. But now, my band is starting to play shows all around locally, and the music scene here its all setup so amps are already there. So basically cause i wont be using my amp, i need the provided stage amp set for clean, and i need a pedal for my distortion tone. But i dont want horrible solidstate sounding crap like from a dimed boss metal zone, that wont do either. Do i want a tube based distortion pedal? I know im not going to get the natural crunch as from a tube amp in a pedal, but i need something close or something that sounds pretty good. I certainly dont want to spend alot either, preferably under 150. Is there a such device?

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After a few arguments on Messenger, I'm curious to know if there REALLY is a brand of guitars called Squire. I've had a few Fender Squiers in my time, but I've never seen a Squire.. Any difference? Or just misspelling? I've heard that harmomy-central has had a similar thread, but I'm not going there..

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