I want to change the tuners on my Hamer Slammer series. I've changed out the factroy pups for SDs and now the last thing to improve is the machineheads. So, I was wondering what the best ones are? My guitar is a les paul style guitar. I just want something that looks pleasing to the eye and most of all will hold a tuning well. Brand and model suggestions please!

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from : localhost/ choose MUSIC,and Gallery,

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pros and cons of the older 59 reissue Bassman reissue and the new LTD as well as the Bassbreaker...any help is good help...Gearjoneser, where are you!

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wondering about the quality of
tusq. for the use on nuts, etc.

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Anyone have clips of themselves rocking on an SG? Please point me to links or downloads, especially if you're playing through a Marshall or Peavey Classic.

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I am selling two of my guitars, a 2005 Gretsch Duojet and a 2005 52RI tele.
The tele has antiquitys in it (antiquity I bridge and an antiquity II neck). The Duojet is stock with filtertrons. Both haven't been played much at all and are in new condition. I am asking $800 for the tele and $1100 for the Duojet. There are some pictures of both in quot;My Toysquot; and I will post more. All transactions will be handled through Paypal. PM me if you are interested.

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OK, I got the magnet swap finished and played around a bit with the Custom Custom. I have to say this is much better. I really like the full mids, they make a really pleasing, thick distortion with my mesa. Using the sparkle drive and the mesa it is a mid fest! Cutting tone without any Ice pick at all. I love the even tone, and it does great cleans. Smooth and pleasent presence.

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Hello everyone..

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I have a hot rails on it right now but im just not that satisfied with how distorted it gets. Its awsome clean and really fat distorted which I like..It just doesnt get distorted as I like from my duncan distortion in the bridge. I mean I really like it and if there is nothing that much better then it then I would definitly keep it. If theres anything that seymour duncan or dimarzio makes that would give a more distorted tone but still keep a little bit of clean in there but still kind of fat like the hot rails. Thanks for any help..

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