Anybody have a spare one they wish to part with?

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I have two floyd rose equipped guitars ........and i do not need two of them .......So i decided to convert my fender floyd rose special to a normal vintage tremolo, non locking one. I don't care about devaluing the instrument e.t.c So i am going to go with a normal US vintage bridge( by vintage i mean the one with the 6 screws that fit directly into the body of the guitar) and a regular nut....I searched over the internet and found various types of bridges/tremolos......from extremely cheap to quite expensive......can you inform me on what should i look out on a vintage type tremolo???(steel block? e.t.c)

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My dad brought to my attention that when i pick, i get a weird sound. It sounds like a tapping almost. I'm not doing a pick scream or anything..just a regular everyday picking action. What is causing this?

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i was reading some reviews of a gibson sg standard. this one guy (who says hes a woodworker) just bought one and this is what he said at the end....

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All right I've been looking around a website at two guitars I've always wanted - an SG and a Les Paul. But I don't have the money to get Gibson ones so I would like some opinions on these Epiphone guitars of the same style:

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from : localhost/tried one and yes it is ALL THAT!

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we all know the benefits of a RW/RP pickup used together w/ a quot;regularquot; pup, like on a strat. well, here's my question:
does using the RW/RP pup together with 2 pups offer the same quality of noise canceling? i've not played 3-pup guitars that allow all 3 to be activated, but i'll be replacing the pups on my 4 (yes, FOUR) pup model soon and am curious about how to best set it up for hum cancellation, etc.

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I just got me a Tascam FW-1084 firewire interface. Will the soundcard in the computer now have anything to do with the quality of the recording? I'm not sure how that quite works.

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i played the rr1 i feel in love with it. does the rr1 have a speed neck like the kv2 or a normal neck like the slh1 neck?

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Gx 212, this one is not the modelling one. This is the one with 3 channels. Does not color the tone much if you enter an amp modeler through it's quot;returnquot; Which is the reason I bought it

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