I've got a Custom Custom in the bridge of my Epi LP which I'm very happy with. However, more recently I've considered doing something a little more 'interesting' with it. Presently the pup is wired as stock (I just copied the wiring from the crappy stock pups). Anyone got any advice regarding parallel, coil-split/tap, phase wiring. Go slow though, I'm a bit of a novice as far as all the jargon is concerned.

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Check this out from : localhost/Awesome head cabs and speaker cabs in hardwood and the price is really decent. I think I`ll have to go for a head cab as soon as I get new amp.

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Can anyone tell me how to wire a Strat for two Phat Cats with 1 Vol. amp; 2 Tones with a three way Tele switch? Is that possible or is there a better way (2 vol. amp; 1 tone)? I'd really like 1 vol. amp; 2 Tone if possible. Thanks

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from : localhost/am considering buy it or buy epiphone g400 custom
This one seems better

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hi im building a custom tel out of swampwood ash with a hardrock maple neck and im having a bit of a hard time deciding pickups i basicaly want to get evry sound possible except for strat out of this guitar sofar im going to put a vintage 54 and a quarter pounder in the bridge like a humbucker with 2 way spliting options and im thinking about a jazz in the neck. but for the middle im not sure either a screamin demon or other type of high out put humbucker ( i know the screamin deamon isnt high output but its close) because i want a heavy sound to coincide with the vintage and bright ones. but i want it to growl so im leaning towards i screamin demon does anyone have one in a tele and what does it soundlike.

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A white Strat to be precise. I want to paint it, nothing fancy, just change the color. What do I need to do? What kinds of paint will work?

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Hey guys my first post here is because the guys over at the zakk wylde forum recomended me to come here. anyway I was thinking about putting a hotrails in my teles bridge but was wonder how it sound as nobody has a tele with a hotrails that I can get to. I basicly want something that will give me a little more distortion without crazy fuzzy gain and cleans up nicely. I use a jcm800 and a boss superoverdrive and I play classical country, metal and blues. Thanks

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I just scored an original Bixonic Expandora in the original box for the opening bid of $119.99! I have been putting off getting one of these for years now...

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Hey all,

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