
hi im building a custom tel out of swampwood ash with a hardrock maple neck and im having a bit of a hard time deciding pickups i basicaly want to get evry sound possible except for strat out of this guitar sofar im going to put a vintage 54 and a quarter pounder in the bridge like a humbucker with 2 way spliting options and im thinking about a jazz in the neck. but for the middle im not sure either a screamin demon or other type of high out put humbucker ( i know the screamin deamon isnt high output but its close) because i want a heavy sound to coincide with the vintage and bright ones. but i want it to growl so im leaning towards i screamin demon does anyone have one in a tele and what does it soundlike.

high(er) output humbucker in the middle of a tele is a bad idea.

i've tried a jb and i custom custom/5 and none of them worked out very well.

i finally settled on a 59.

A middle pickup doesn't belong in a tele!!!

I mean, do what makes you happy, but only a real Tele sounds like a Tele. When you deviate from that formula even a little bit, the sound of the guitar completely changes. It's a very delicate balance.

I have a Samick/Valley Arts Ray Benson Model with a very cool setup:

Neck - Full sized Duncan Designed Pearly Gates type (I think...spunky paf anyway)
Middle - Hot Rails
Bridge - Tele (Maybe a bit hotter than usual)

5 way switch!
Neck bucker
Neck inner coil middle
Middle Bridge

And.....Push/Pull on Tone for the Middle Hot Rails

Tapping or not tapping the middle plus the other two gets some really cool sounds - a very flexible setup.

well the thing is i play alot of metal but i also love the tele bridge pickup sound so im making a tele the reason im thinking of a high output pickup is that i want the middle to be real thick and ballsy but still with the tele bite. and the screamin demon sounds like it would do it. im not sure how it would sound with a maple neck though. anyway i want a real crunchy sound from the middle tele from the bridge and smooth from the neck. can anyone help

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