
I Own a Les Paul Custom (Black), I Need to Change My Crappy Pick-Ups, I Wanna Use , but I Need'em to be Black, I Play Heavy.

What Do You Recommend...?

LP custom, what gibson pickups do you have, what's missing from that? With that info everyone will be able to post their wisdom.

Duncan Distortion...available in black


What style of music do you play?

What amp do you use?

What tones are you seeking?

Custom/'59 I'd say. Balls and enough power to handle all the heavy stuff.

do you have an epi or a gibson

Originally Posted by bushey37do you have an epi or a gibson

would it matter?

Originally Posted by bushey37do you have an epi or a gibson
Originally Posted by flipsidewould it matter?

Not that much but i have an epi which would explain the crappy pick ups. And, if its an epi, there might be more to the problemt than the pick ups. Epiphone is notorious for its crappy electronics, meaning something else could be wrong. One time I thought I was having a promblem with my bridge pickup but the problem was in the electonics of the pickup selector switch. Another time i thought the same thing but the problem was in the input jack, all b/c of epiphone's cheap electronics.

Originally Posted by flipsidewould it matter?A LOT... different materials and construction style

I Think he means Death/Black. I'd say Distortions or Full Shreds or both (Shred neck/Distortion bridge).

My Les Paul Custom has Gold Pickups...



Distortion set.

It's an Epiphone Les Paul Custom (In Black), The Pick-Ups are The Originals that came with The Guitar (One Piece, Gold Finish), I Play Heavy Metal, Marshall Amp...

I Want The Pick-Ups to Be in Black Finish.Ya I have that exact same guitar. Pickups definately need to be replaced, I ordered new ones yesterday. For what your talking about I'd either put and Invader or a Dimebucker in the birdge, not sure what to tell you about the neck.

Ohh, and I'm pretty sure you can get any seymour duncan pickup unplated in black, I know you can with the Invader and Dimebucker. Also, don't throw EMG out of the mix. I normally wouldn't say that, but they make great pickups for metal.

I never would have thought of an invader... But i say go for EMG's... mine are great in my LP... Heavy as a ****...

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