I was wondering if there were any other people out there like myself who put a lot of miles on their guitars. I can't keep them new looking but they all play amp; sound great. I want to see all your used and or abused axes......Joe
this doesn't show much of it's battle scars but this is my only guitar with any real damage to it...i'm super anal with my guitars so all the rest look pretty much new.
anyway this is a '79 guild s60d which was my first guitar and was handed down from my older brother who got it new in '79 so it's seen tons of playtime and abuse from him and myself as a stupid kid back in the day lol. it needs a refret bad but i keep putting it off...eventually i'll have it done and bring her back into action, for now she just sleeps under my bed in her case!!-Mike
You oughtta set that guitar up for slide, way too cool for under the bed....Joe
man i miss playing her but the frets are pretty much flat and useless lol it's like playing a fretless guitar to me. i think i'll have my luthier stick some jumbos in it and throw a jb jr. in the bridge perhaps and bring it back in action in the near future!!
That would be cool. In the meantime you could jack up the bridge amp; woodshed on some slide, at least you could knock the dust off her.
this is very true...although i'm an idiot with a slide lol...the last two songs i knew how to play on slide and mind you i said knew b/c i forgot them lol were fuel by metallica and white zombie's more human than human lol...i'm not your typical slide player, i honestly never took the time to learn it...although i should. i should put this sucker in bludave's hands he's got some good slide chops and i could learn a thing or two from him for sure!
New and old. The one on the right was my #1 since I bought her in 1987. It's an '85 Aria Pro II with an Invader in the bridge and an HS-3 in the neck. I still pull 'er out from time to time for some extra Invader chunk.
Man I know there have to be some more than these so far -
My '90 Special I have had since new. It hasn't missed many gigs since I have had it, it was numero uno for a long time. I just put it back to playing condition with a new bridge pup and a new bridge. Great sounding and playing guitar and solid as a freaking rock. It cost $450 with tax and a gigbag back then and I think I got my money's worth It's a bit of a mutt these days. It has an SD Vintage P-90 set with stock pots and wiring with mylar caps, Schaller pegs, stock nut, Dunlop 6105 wire, a Nashville bridge in place of the original ABR-1, the original toggle has been replaced 2x and it now sports a kustom butnut toggle ring as well, Schaller Straplocks and a whole lot of scars that don't show in the pics. My daughter helped me decorate it with her nickname when she was 3 and I popped for the big dollar Robert Johnson upgrade, Muddy fell off somewhere. I also treated it to a new case I recently got it a nice fitted SKB. For you LI guys I got this from Charlie Propper when he was working at Ash in Huntington, I call it Propper in his memory.Scott...that thing has soul that I can feel in Atlanta Georgia!!!
Here's my baby . . . I've played her every day since I got her about five years ago now . . . I'm gonna switch out the bridge, tailpiece and tuners for gold at some point and the selector switch tip will be cream. Then I think that she'll be done . . .
I've been wanting to get a LP special w/P-90's for some time now. Maybe soon I will.
Although technically a new acquistion, this is a real workhorse for me:
Ignore the fugly couch, I'm a college student, cut me some slack.
I would comsider this a fairly new aquisition, having bought it in January. This is my quot;what does this pickup sound like/I don't care it if gets dinged/maybe I should get some locking tunersquot; guitar. I put on a set of knurled metal knobs, added a pickguard and a matching black/cream/black truss rod cover since I bought it. The zebra DD completes the look and gives me the sound I've been looking for.
'98 SG-X
my ibanez ?
and my precious baby. This thing is my warpig. lol.
thats a Hotrails/Stock/Duckbucker combo btw.
big_black...that thing rocks...i love the one hum sg...did they come with no guard and you just added it?
we don't need no stinkin neck pickups
^^^^If that ain't abuse, I don't know what is...
Here are my main 5
Me in the studio with my Number One..ANd here´s The Sharkfin Gang, sitting at home on the sofa waiting for their chance....I'm convinced half of you wear white gloves with your axes
(Yep, I asked for the input jack to be put like that, it's easier to find than having it on the corner imo)
Hey, it adds character..
I'm after a Gordon Smith GS2. Basically it's similar to a LP Jr. I've always considered them to be real workhorses.
- Feb 04 Wed 2009 20:50
Post pics of workhorse guitars