I am looking for an inexpensive but nice 2 and 3/16 E to E strat tremolo, ideas?
I just did some measuring...American Standard (2 point) bridges are 2 1/16, MIM Standard bridges (6 hole) are also 2 1/16 while vintage Fenders from 1954 to around 1970, Classic 50's, 60's and 70's, Jimmy Vaughans, Custom Shop reissues and most MIJ reissues are 2 7/32. What is the guitar?
Will, the width is not all that noticeable what so ever!!! Seriously!! Just find a nice strat trem period becasue, the slight bit of difference in width will be damn near unoticable! Wurd! Holla!!!
Theodie, this is for another project guitar I have! Not to worry!
Originally Posted by fuzzyratfartsTheodie, this is for another project guitar I have! Not to worry!
Right on!!! Do you still want the Gotoh or, did you decide to go with something else on this project?
Gotoh is great, sorry I didnt let you know
Pickups are on the way to you!
- Feb 04 Wed 2009 20:50
High quality 2 3/16 E to E strat bridge?