I'm reallu thinking of gettting a les paul guitar but then saw this esp ltd guitar, worth 1000$
from : localhost/espguitars.com/images/guitars/ec1000_duncan.jpg
do you think all those features are really worth it orr should i save up a few more dollars to get a les paul studio?And what are the differences with the Eclipse and a normal LP?
Apples and Oranges! The body on the LTD is thinner, it has huge frets, different neck shape, 24 frets, different control layout, different tone.
I prefer the EC, by far.
Different tone? How?
And does the thinner body affect the sustain at all?
Hi, I have this exact guitar (see avatar)...
It's a great guitar, I just love it (altho I swapped the pick-ups a couple of times )....
IMO: If you want a Les Paul, get a LP... The body being thinner will make it a tad brighter and crisper. It's still mahogany, so you'll get a tone that (to me) sounds in between a SG and a LP. The 24 frets also make it sound different due to the neck pick-up placement. The neck shape and the frets are just personal preference.
Personnaly, I really really like it. Nice crunchy guitar, nice weight (but not too much), great playability and tone for a very fair price.
Bottom line is: you'll get a great guitar but if you want a LP, get a LP...
Don't the SD equipped ones usually go for only around $799 to $850?Oh, here MF.
Sale Price: $739.99 - $839.99
from : localhost/if you want an LP tone but at about the same price.
from : localhost/www.musiciansfriend.com/srs7/...se_pid/518405/
what!? 1000 bucks! i got mine for 600 brand new including case!(i got lucky though, the store now has it for 700...)
No, heh...i meant the deluxe ones! The Standard Ec-400 is the 700$ one.
now about sustain.....
yea man...i have an ec-1000....not the ec-400....
i have the amber one, the one that comes with duncans...
Amazing what they sock you extra for EMGs.
I think the purfloing or whatever it is on the black cherry and amber finishes just looks rediculous, however, on the black and black transparent it's just stunning.
They look similar and have similar specs on paper... that´s where the similarities end.....
You want a solid LP with real LP tone, get the studio.
You want a quot;thinlinequot; LP, tonally and weightwise, who´s neck feels nothing like a gibson (not necessarily in a bad, way, though): get the Japanese ESPee
You want a guitar that masquerades around as a high end guitar but is IMO nowhere close: Get the LTD version.
i really like mine to be honest, i think its tremendously underrated....
If you wana go the diffrent route for a lp type guitar i'd go for a edwards from ebay, or a heritage which can be both had for under a thousand. Or the ESP ECLIPSE-II
And how do the Epi LP compare from a guitar standpoint? I ask because
I want to build up a 3 PUP LP or SG (since they won't need routing). Thoughts
are 59 neck and bridge, something exciting in the middle, different
wiring scheme (something more like modern HSH wiring with an
override to get middle only).
I used to have one and I ended up hating it. The neck profile and large frets are nice, but it's 24 fret for some reason and you can't even reach the higher frets really. It doesn't sound anything like a Les Paul either. And it's a little too fancy, nearly gaudy. I liked it at first but ended up being really disappointed with it.
Originally Posted by XeromusI used to have one and I ended up hating it. The neck profile and large frets are nice, but it's 24 fret for some reason and you can't even reach the higher frets really. It doesn't sound anything like a Les Paul either. And it's a little too fancy, nearly gaudy. I liked it at first but ended up being really disappointed with it.
I traded my LTD Viper 400 for this exact same guitar. There were some things about the Viper I didn't like and traded it for the EC1000 thinking I would like it more since I was already used to my Epi LP's... Boy was I wrong... The EC1000 has the same neck as the Viper 400, which I found to be too fat and uncomfortable. The neck was too long and I had trouble reaching upper and lower frets. The tone of the EC1000 sounded way too thin. The body is much thinner and lighter and I'm sure that affects the tone. My Epi LP's have more quot;chunkquot; to them... I also found the location of the control knobs to be in an unfamiliar configuration, but thats minor. I had the guitar for about 2 weeks, and while it was a beautiful guitar, I ended up taking it back.
In summary -- If you want an LP, get it. The EC1000 is nothing close to it...
Originally Posted by ZerberusYou want a quot;thinlinequot; LP, tonally and weightwise, who´s neck feels nothing like a gibson (not necessarily in a bad, way, though): get the Japanese ESPee
You want a guitar that masquerades around as a high end guitar but is IMO nowhere close: Get the LTD version.
... I do believe I read somewhere that ESP will be releasing an LTD version of the Eclipse II for 2006...
Originally Posted by lex666... I do believe I read somewhere that ESP will be releasing an LTD version of the Eclipse II for 2006... from : localhost/namm.harmony-central.com/SNAM...C-1000VHB.html
But nobody can verify if they will be 22 or 24 frets.
Pic shows 22.
But, NAMM pics show 24.
from : localhost/www.carlinoguitars.com/SummerNammESP.html
I'd say 22 since usually NAMM guitars are early prototypes.
- Feb 04 Wed 2009 20:50
ESP LTD EC-1000 (w/ Duncans) Worth the extra cash?