
Hi there, my first post.

I'm sure this has been asked a million times before but here goes:

I'm getting a JB for my Yamaha SG500, bridge position. The pots currently in are 500k volume and 250k tone. Are these OK or should I change them? If I change them is there any particular brand or type that would be best?

thanks in advance


Welcome to the forum.

For the JB, I'd use a 250k pot. A 250 is whats generally recommended for the JB, but even so, I'm finding that I like 250's even in cases where 500's are usually used. For example, my DC/DD Patriot has 250's. It sounds great. Just takes the quot;edgequot; off.

CTS are pretty much, the best.


Just try it and see if you love it. If it sounds like you could use some more highs, switch the 250K tone pot to 500K.

I put a JB in my Strat and had a 500K volume and 250K tone. It sounded slightly muffled to me so I replaced the tone pot with a 500K and liked it better.


Thanks guys. I'll leave what I have and see how that sounds.

Cool...another guy with a SG series Yamaha!

Welcome aboard!

hey man try both a 250K and a 500 for the volume.
there are guys that love the JB with 500K and then there is those who prefer the 250K
FWIW, the JB was designed for 250K

I have a 500k in my alder Jackson, not too bright at all, sounds killer!

I prefer a 500k as well.

I've got 300K volume and tone in my SG. I had two 500K in my Strat. It seemed too bright.

If you ever decide to split it (this pickup is made for that!), 500K might be too intense. It was for me.

I've used both 250K and 500K setups for my JB's in the past. IMHO, your choice here should be made like every other equipment decision...what is your desired outcome? Yes, the JB was designed for use with a 250K tone a Tele. A Tele is, generally, a pretty bright guitar. So it makes sense you'd want to roll off some of the highs. If your guitar is naturally dark, you might want to start with the 500K and see how that goes. But as always, tweak to taste.

This is just my $0.02 worth...


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