
So, I bought a jcm 800 2203x reissue. They're ususally like $2000 new, and I got mine for $1050, so I think I got a decent deal.

from : localhost/

I'm really excited, Anyone have any opinions? I played one of these and it was my favorite marshall I've ever played. Anyone else have opinions/advice for these? Tomorrow I'm going to order an Avatar 4X12 with 2 v30's up top and 2 g12h30's down low. Rock on.


Awesome deal. Great amp, but make sure you attenuate!

Originally Posted by HolyDirtAnyone have any opinions?

Plug in, turn it up and unleash your inner Rock God!

Get an attenuator, THD hotpalte would be my suggestion. `you gotta really open those amps up to get the best from them, but its worth it, as thier best is the most awesome hard rock sound known to modern man!

Bah, forget the attenuator, just open her up and let the neighbors (for several miles around) know who's boss!!!

Those are great amps Holydirt.

Have fun with it.

Nice score. Congrats and welcome to the wonderful world of Marshall ownership. You will probably never want to buy another amp, ever.

Get an attenuator like everyone else suggested. Definitely worth it for you and the neighborhood. But blast it at least one afternoon.

If you want to push the front end harder, use one of these 3 pedals:
1 - MXR Wylde OD
2 - Boss SD-1
3 - Ibanez Tubescreamer (808 model)

Or use a booster but the overdrives really make those things scream.

Originally Posted by Tom MBah, forget the attenuator, just open her up and let the neighbors (for several miles around) know who's boss!!!I agree, attenuators are for pussies, unless you run over 150watts.

Great amps...Regarding the speakers: I'd try them with one V30 in top left and the one V30 in bottem right. And the G12H30 in the top right and the other G12H30 in the lower left.

You'll find that you'll hear the speakers on top more than the two in the bottem and that way you'll be hearing both.

If the V 30 sounds to bright to you, try both G12H30's in top.


Great, This reassures me! I was planning on buying a new attentuator, I already have a sd-1 and a tubescreamer 808, so I should be in for a treat...

Hell yeah. Rock on.

Personally, I like the look of a matching Marshall cab, so I'd probably go after a Marshall 1960AV w/4 Vin 30's.....try to find it used. Nothing like a matched set.

Throw a good OD in front, and you'll have a great crunch and lead channel.
If your head has an FX loop, an Alesis Nanoverb is good for using as an additional master volume, while adding a tiny bit if verb.

Have a Rivera 4x12quot; cab and let it scream, nice amp !

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