Hi all, my financial situation is starting to look like I might be able to afford a new guitar this summer. Therefore I turn on you for advice.
First of all, because of shipping and payment hazards I will NOT order overseas. The used market here also is practically nonexistant. Therefore I have to resort to buying brand new. That doesn't mean that I'm not watching all the places that sell used all the time. It means that I'd prefer that you recommend something new straight from the store.
My budget is about 1000#8364;, which translates into about 1200$, but the european prices are mostly higher.
I'm basically looking for something new. I currently have two guitars, a Jackson DK-2, an HSS superstrat, and a Gibson SG Standard, a double hum setneck. I'd like something new, which IMO means something with maple or ebony board and neck-through or bolt-on construction. No vintage tremolos or hard-tails, only TOM or ORIGINAL Floyd Rose.
Musical style really is just rock/metal, I can't think of anything that much more specific, as my playing tastes vary quite a lot from time to time.
Please tell me if something comes into your mind. Thanks for bothering to read this far, and even more thanks if you decide to recommend something and elaborate upon my further questions!
Les Paul !
step up from the dinky and get a soloist!!!! you might have to sell a guitar but its all worth it in my opinion.
i'd go for a nice RG.. only problem is the trem - its either edge or edge II..
or maverick? they're a brit company, and they make some awesome guitars..
Gibson Explorer, perhaps?
1 on the Soloist!
BC Rich Classic Series Bich, Mockingbird or Seagull?
Jackson SL1 or SL2h or KV2?
LTD (ESP) makes some really nice stuff for that money too in either 6 or 7 string. If you went LTD you probably go ape sh*t with $1200 and get something nice and tricked out.
Originally Posted by Impi'd go for a nice RG.. only problem is the trem - its either edge or edge II..
or maverick? they're a brit company, and they make some awesome guitars..
Both would cover you. They would give you some versatility too.
Get the Jackson!!!!
But I'm sure you guessed I'd say that.
Originally Posted by pac112Les Paul !
This I forgot to tell, but I won't get an LP. The reason is quite simple. They're UGLY AS HELL! Discussion closed. Next one, please.
Oh, thanks for your thoughts anyway. Maybe some other idea you'd have?
Originally Posted by vinterlandstep up from the dinky and get a soloist!!!! you might have to sell a guitar but its all worth it in my opinion.Originally Posted by DeadSkinSlayer3 1 on the Soloist!Originally Posted by h8red442Jackson SL1 or SL2h or KV2? Originally Posted by JacksonMIAGet the Jackson!!!!
If I was filthy rich, I'd get a new Jackson. I'm not, and a new one sells here for about 2500#8364;, which is about 3000$. Do I have to elaborate anymore?
Please guys, any other ideas? I'd rather not sell my DK-2 as it is a nice guitar and with some more work it will get even better. I'm afraid my money is limited to 1000#8364;. Less is better, I can always get something extra with the rest.
Thanks a lot so far, keep 'em coming!
Originally Posted by JohtosotkuThis I forgot to tell, but I won't get an LP. The reason is quite simple. They're UGLY AS HELL! Discussion closed. Next one, please.
Oh, thanks for your thoughts anyway. Maybe some other idea you'd have?
hmmm... the explorer ? thats a good rock axe too.
Originally Posted by HellionGibson Explorer, perhaps?
Thanks for the thought, it's something I thought by myself earlier on, but it's something quite similar to the SG I already have. Can you think of anything else, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Originally Posted by Impi'd go for a nice RG.. only problem is the trem - its either edge or edge II..
or maverick? they're a brit company, and they make some awesome guitars..
tomOriginally Posted by stevie_beesBoth would cover you. They would give you some versatility too.
I'll have to have a look at those Maverick guitars.
RG's, huh? I think that the maple-boarded ones could be quite nice, with the original edge trems, but are they the ones with the horribly (IMO) thin neck? Nonetheless, with the right price, I could jump on one. One sees them on the used market here time to time. Thanks a lot guys, can you think of anything else/more!?
jacksons can't be that expensive here in europ it depends on the series sure a USA select will be about 2500€ but not all are that expensive. But i came to dig the black diamondplate LTD Explorer. It looks cool as hell and has emg 81/60 set in it which makes it a great rock/metal axe(the 60 can even give you some jazz) and it's a tom bridge and not to expensive(about 750€ here in germany)
how abt schecter?
Originally Posted by pac112how abt schecter?
Schecter is something I've considered, but I haven't really been able to pinpoint it to any special models. Do you have any specific ideas? Thanks so far!
F-musiikki imports Hamers.. Have you thought of those?
I have no hands on experience, though..
actually i havent played any schecters. not so easy to find here.
Originally Posted by JohtosotkuIf I was filthy rich, I'd get a new Jackson. I'm not, and a new one sells here for about 2500€, which is about 3000$. Do I have to elaborate anymore?
Please guys, any other ideas? I'd rather not sell my DK-2 as it is a nice guitar and with some more work it will get even better. I'm afraid my money is limited to 1000€. Less is better, I can always get something extra with the rest.
Thanks a lot so far, keep 'em coming!
I actually misread your first post. I thought you said those (DK-2, SG, etc.) were the guitars you were considering. That's what I meant by get the Jackson. I'm surprised and sad to hear that Soloists are so expensive over there. I understand that they're a little higher in Europe, but I got mine for US $1300 brand new.
As for something different than what you've got, you might take a look at Godin guitars (h8red mention Seagull - part of the same company). I don't know if they deal over there or not, but they're nice guitars with several different styles (some even with SD pups) and reasonably priced, IMO.
- Feb 04 Wed 2009 20:50
Recommend a new rock/metal guitar!!