I Was Wondering If Anyone In Ca Would Like To Take A Look At My
Guitar And See What Is Wrong With It. I Can Only Afford At Most $40 For The Repair. Pm Me If Interested.
Is there something wrong with wiring or needing some sort of adjustment?.
What's wrong with it?
No Sound....used My Multimeter And Not Getting Anything From
The Output Jack But The Pots And Pups Are Fine...
I Used To Work In A Shop But It Has Been A Long Time
So I Am Second Guessing Myself Here Chris
Yeah man, I can take care of you if it's something like that. Call me tomorrow if Santa Clarita doesn't sound too far for you. (661)-8608593.
As long as it's not a hollowbody or active pickup circuit, I can do it, and I won't charge.
Thanks I Just Might Take You Up On That But It Would Not Be For At Least A Week, Also Somone Is Interested In The Guitar So It Might Be Sold As Is Anyways. Chris
P.s. Sweet F/a-22 Web Site....must Be Sweet Working With Those
Birds Of Prey, My Grandpa Was A F-100 Super Saber Mechanic During The Early 60's. Chris
That's awesome. He must tell some interesting stories. I will probably retrain into a medical job, mainly because I'm not 100% happy turning wrenches. But taking part in the Raptor development will always be something for me to be very proud of.
I would be in the USMC if it wasnt for the fact I have lupus
and the fact im soo out of shape...lol
I've seen people with all kinds of medical conditions in the military. And I'm probably a bigger fat ass.
- Feb 04 Wed 2009 20:50
Looking For Help With Guitar In Ca