Who makes the best headphones in your opinion at the best price?
I like my 20$ Sony studio headphones. definatly not the best things out there, but they are cheap, they come with a 1/4quot; adaptor for amps, mixers, etc. and the sound just fine to me.
I bought a pair of Sennheiser HD 280 Pro's this weekend and so far I have to be honest...I really like them...nice freq range, very responsive, very even sounding, and VERY comfortable...which is very important to me...they can be had new for less that $100.00 which is dirt cheep really.
I am using Sennheiser HD280 Pro's also and love them. I have had them for a couple years and have no need for anything better. Very good for the $$ (and I have used much more expensive models before).
RGN...How have they held up for you? I really like them and hope they will last a good long while...if these do well, Im gonna pickup 2 or 3 more sets! Im glad to know you like them after a while...for the money (and like you, I have had much more costly phones before) I really like these.
I got the sony MDR-v700's...not bad headphones by any means, they sound pretty good, cept they're heavy as hell. It can get a little tiresome wearin em for extended periods of time.
I've got a great pair of KOSS stereo headphones, I use 'em everyday, and they are the best headphones I've ever personally used...
That's my DJ input.
Rock On ~ Kac
I've got the senn's as well. I love the sound but I actually have to send em in cuz the plastic is cracking and breaking all over the place which is a bit ridiculous. So long as the warranty covers that, no worries.
I have a Sennheiser EH2270. It's great.
SONY MDR-XD200... they costed me around 30$ if I remember right, and I really like them.
For what?
Late night practice? Mixing? Something that won't blow up when recording with your drummer?
The Ultrasones are amazingly accurate and really comfortable to wear for a long period of time without fatigue. They're not cheap but none of the other ones I like for sound quality are that cheap either...like Grados. For tracking I have a bunch of ATH-M40 amp; D40 which are almost totally indestructible and believe me, I think people try to kill 'em. They don't sound that great IMO, but they're no worse then any other $75-100 set of cans.
Sorry to hijack but what are the best for not letting any sound out. Say for recording a cover I can listen to the song for timing, and the sound won't come out in the mic.
Originally Posted by MllerrinSorry to hijack but what are the best for not letting any sound out. Say for recording a cover I can listen to the song for timing, and the sound won't come out in the mic.
Beyer Dynamics are what i use. No sound leakage there!
from : localhost/www.soundcontrol.co.uk/mod_1/...
I like my Sony D66 eggos a lot...but they don't sell those in the US...for some super-comfortable, good-sounding headphones the Audio-Technica A900s are excellent...they'll blow your mind as far as sound quality...umm, musiciansfriend has them but jacked up the price from 200 to 250.
as for the best headphones, I'd nominate the Sennheiser Orpheus.
Originally Posted by the guy who invented fireI bought a pair of Sennheiser HD 280 Pro's this weekend and so far I have to be honest...I really like them...nice freq range, very responsive, very even sounding, and VERY comfortable...which is very important to me...they can be had new for less that $100.00 which is dirt cheep really.
Bang for buck, I dont think you can beat those.
- Feb 04 Wed 2009 20:50
Best Headphones?