So was busy practicing with my band today and all of a sudden before we began the next tune my tone went to hell on me. After some investigation we found that something it wrong with the speaker cab.

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Anyone know which Duncan pickups are similar to Bardens? I'm talking about Bardens like the ones in the Gatton Tele, or something that could be used in a Strat.

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JB in zebra, full lead, NOT trembucker, asking $55 shipped or will trade for a black Distortion trembucker.

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I recently bought a Gibson Les Paul Studio that came with aftermarket pickups. (I was told they were Carvin C22s?) And I've decided that I want a new set of pups in there. I'm looking for a set that can give me the sound of (or close to.) Jimmy Page and Slash. I'm thinking of getting a SH-1 59' for the neck and a SH-4 JB for the bridge. Will this combo even come close to what I want? I'm open to any suggestions.

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Finally got it! From forum bro Mephis, who is currently taking a break from the forum for apparently controversial reasons that I missed entirely so... first pics!!!

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ever make an amp with 3 phase inverter tubes? like invert it, then invert it back, then invert it back again?

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Hello everyone ,

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My Gamp;L Legacy has 3 Alcino 5 pups, which are tremendous for vintage strat tones (I tend to use it for blues and cleaner rhythms - the in-between position is very cool). On the other hand, I don't tend to use the bridge pup that much and would really like to be able to go to a humbucker to play harder rock tunes, such as Skynyrd and AC/DC. I do have an SG and an LP, but I'd like the Gamp;L to be more versatile. The Tone Wizard is telling me Little 59 and I tend to agree with that - what do you think?

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I just borrowed a mates 535q wah pedal that he wasnt using just to have a stuff around with it. I wasnt expecting much because ive played the normal crybaby's before and hated them (not through my amp though so that opinions pretty void now) and played a vox once and thought it was okay, but none of them ever really wowed me, so i was pretty decided on getting a fulltone deluxe clyde eventually and that was going to be my wah.

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