I just borrowed a mates 535q wah pedal that he wasnt using just to have a stuff around with it. I wasnt expecting much because ive played the normal crybaby's before and hated them (not through my amp though so that opinions pretty void now) and played a vox once and thought it was okay, but none of them ever really wowed me, so i was pretty decided on getting a fulltone deluxe clyde eventually and that was going to be my wah.
But this thing has really impressed me! It just sounds fantastic, and im sure its got lots to do with my rig being all sorted out and stuff now but wow, they sound really cool, and are versatile too! And have true bypass! ... dont they? I think they do
What are other peoples opinions on these?
I have one with a Fasel built into it (it's a newer one that came from the factory like that) and it just whomps. I love these things!
Mine's got true bypass so I think your buddy's will too.
I owned one for several months and never really got the tone I was looking for out of it. I sold it recently and purchased a Morley Mark Tremonti Power Wah. The Tremonti owns the 535Q IMO. I really dig the tone I get with it, although it could be more vocal. The Morley's switchless design is also much easier to deal with.
I owned the Crybaby From Hell wah (pretty much a 535Q wah with an extended range and some more fancy dials). Didn't do anything for me. The wah wasn't very vocal and the range wasn't anything to write home about. That's where the more expensive wahs really shine IMO, but different tones for different folks
However, I have heard some incredible players using them. Mike McCready from Pearl Jam has been using his for about forever, and his tone is great... so I don't understand it (maybe the older ones are just better or he's had his severely modded?).
The Supa Quack I have blows me away as does Fulltone's Clyde Deluxe and Teese's Wheels of Fire wah. All three are top of the hill as far as I'm concerned.
I didn't think that Dunlops wahs were true bypass. AFAIK, none of Dunlops stock pedals have that feature on them. I could be wrong though. Atleast, they're easy enough to make true bypass yourself (or pay someone like John on these forums to do).
All the Dunlop 535Q Wah's are True Bypass.
For midpriced wah's the 535Q and Budda Bud Wah are the best, IMO. I think the Budda was actually designed by Budda, but is manufactured by Dunlop, and that one is true bypass. I think the 535Q is too. If you can score it used, buy it!
Once you get into high dollar wahs like the Fulltone and Teese, you're getting perfection, but paying a premium for it, like most things. I found a guy with a brand new Fulltone Clyde Deluxe, and gave him $220 shipped for it. I love the fact that it has a rotary/detent volume knob, and a 3 way knob that gives you the original Clyde tone, a setting that is bright and quacky, and a growly lower freq. setting. I wish all wahs had the LED, too.
Yeah im gonna try and score it used for a decent price, because my mate borrowed it off his bassist who was lent it from a friend of hers who wasnt using it. But the bassist didnt like it much for bass because its not a bass pedal or just because she didnt dig it, so she lent it to my mate (lead guitarist) who didnt really like it much so i asked if i could just borrow it for a stuff around...and now i love it!
I guess the point of this thread is that i was a bit of a wah snob in that i was just going to go for a fulltone and settle for nothing else, and thought the dunlops wouldnt impress me much...but after getting my rig sorted out the dunlop 535q really sounded awesome, and it impressed me, a tone snob! So im just sharing this revelation
I think the best Dunlops are the 535Q and the older Mr. Crybaby Super, which turned into a volume pedal, when in the off position. Too bad they discontinued that feature, because in addition to the volume pedal, it's design made it just like true bypass.
- Mar 19 Thu 2009 20:50
Wow! Im impressed by the 535Q dunlop wah!