i rocked out for a good 2 hours and man am i ever happy with this amp, have not yet cranked it cause i have to wait for my Granny to leave somewhere so i dont annoy her.

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Cool Rails white either neck or bridge.

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you guys want a Plexi with REAL mojo...this is it!!!

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Hi all, my financial situation is starting to look like I might be able to afford a new guitar this summer. Therefore I turn on you for advice.

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Wow, it's a beautiful instrument. EB Music Man sure know their stuff!!

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Does anyone know of a list that would show the new prices of some of the great vintage pieces of gear? Or, a few of you elders that can remember some off the top of your head? I remember reading that the white strat that Hendrix used originally cost around $240......and later fetched
a whopping $1.3 Million.

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Personally, I can't stand it. It kinda feels as though my brain is being sucked out through my ears, and can also stop your guitar from cutting through the mix.

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Lead free rosin core, 95% tin, 5% antimony.

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Hi all. I am a relative newbie when it comes to fitting pickups and stuff, so I was wondering if someone would give me a little guidance.

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I discovered that the battery door to my Danelectro Dan-Echo got came off and got lost on the UGD Trip. Anyone know where I can get another one?

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