offer here please

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Does anyone have one of these or has played them? Thinking about getting a semi-hollow without the 335 pricetag. Thanks.

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I have a Tokai copy of a '56 Les Paul Goldtop. Here in New Zealand we can buy new Tokais that have the proper Gibson Headstock. In the U.S. these models are not allowed... so the U.S. Tokais have some weird headstock.

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i love the single coil sound in the neck of my strat but the middle position single gets me close enough to that sound that i think the added thickness of the humbucker would be cool. anyone know what SC sized hum is closest sounding to the jazz (neck of course)? id also like it if i could split the coils and get a decent single sound out of the pickup. im not expecting it to sound like a real sc but id like to get as close as possible. should i wait till the new sc sized humbuckers comes out from sd?

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EMG recommends using an EMG preamp on the passive pickup when combining passive and active pickups. If I have my own JFET preamp booster, can I use this on the passive pickup to get it to balance with the EMG? Or is there something different about the signal the EMG preamps run out? I want to use a humbucker with an EMG single coil.

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Anybody know how to sort out my strat? I've just fitted a Duncan distortion and am having trouble due to my Reverse wound, reverse polarity middle pickup. Now in the Bridge/Middle position I have that nasty out of phase tone (no bass, lower output) especially when the humbucker is tapped(split). I can't figure out how to re-wire the humbucker to get round this (which is strange because I've got round it previously on a Kent Armstrong pickup. Guess I've been out of the game too long).
Cheers for any useful advice you may be able to give!

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I upgraded my Boss GE-7 like I said I was going to..I replaced some caps and installed metal film resistors...My pedal is very quiet...

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I like 'em!

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Put a Distortion bridge and two cool rails in my parker nitefly. No more wimpiness here. Exactly the sound I was looking for. What's also interesting is the sustain was improved a great deal also. The sound is not over the top at all either, it's nice and smooth. The stock Dimarzio custom wounds weren't bad, but there's a huge improvement with duncans.

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Does anyone have one of these, I'm really interested in getting one for a project guitar. Pm me if you can help a brotha out.

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