I don't know if this has been posted before but this site is really cool, it lets you compare all kinds of different desirable amps with a strat and a les paul with clean and dirty settings through an appropriate cab. from : localhost/it out!

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I was wondering if anyone has experience with ES330's or ES335's, especially those vintage models from the 60's 70's and perhaps as recent as 1981.

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I've been wanting to get a nice Strat for a while now and pulled the trigger yesterday at my local mom and pop music store. It's a standard burst finish fat strat with rosewood fb, brand new '05 that I got for $350. I traded in my Agile and got about as much for the trade in as I would have gotten selling it on ebay. I'll have to post pictures later. It really resonates well and the neck is VERY nice especially for a mexican strat. Now for the fun....Mod time! All suggestions are appreciated. I do think that I will take it back to a SSS configuration. I was thinking a brown shell pickguard, parchment knobs, switchtip and pup covers. I will do a complete shielding ala Guitarnutz.com, it really works well. Now for the pups.......I love hot vintage tones so suggest away.

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Sorry about asking so many questions about so cheap an instrument...

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The new Ravelle Elite, Deluxe amp; Dave Kushner Signature sure looks cool, but how do they sound amp; play?

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Hails Guys.. i want to know if Mr Seymour will plan to release or RETIRE ANY NEW humbuckers?
I WOULD like to see a Tighter bass version of the CC.

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My local music store is now carrying PRS guitars. Played a white, Korean made one with P-90 pickups. The model is the SE Soapbar II. The workmanship, finish, fretwork, feel and all around playability was nothing short of outstanding. Great action with no fret-buzz at all. I've been wanting to explore a P-90 equipt guitar and this is a definate possibility. But like all my other gear purchases, I believe in doing my homework before buying. Does anybody here have any experience with one of these? Any and all info is appreciated. Thanks.

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Can anyone tell me more about this pickup? Comparisons to Duncans would help, too.

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i just got my Agile AL2500, and the thing is CRAZY...for $254(including shipping) this thing is WELL worth it. the pickups aren't even 1/2 bad either..jsut as good maybe even better then my EMG HZ H4's in my other guitar. i really do love this guitar...it's WAY better then i expected and looks REALLY REALLY classy...only flaw was the binding on the tip of the headstock was a little rough in one spot..but really...who cares lol...Agile is most definitly worth the price!

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Recently dropped a Hotrails PU in the bridge position and I have been on a quest to figure out what PU's I want to drop in the neck and middle positions of my Strat. I keep coming back to the SSL-4 and SSL-5's. My overall goal here is versatility and a nice, fat, warm tone. I play in two bands--Clasic rock and blues. Any thoughts, feedback or suggestions appreciated.

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