Alright guys, need to sell these.
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
. FS: Black Duncan Jazz N, DD, TB-4 (Trade for 81?)
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Please help with wiring question.
I just bought a Little '59 for Strat SL59-1b for the bridge of my Highway One Strat. The Wiring diagram is a little vague. I understand all the solder connections except the Red and White as I understand it I need to solder them together and insulate them quot;they do not get connected to anything but each otherquot;? Also any gotcha’s
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
How can you tell if a tube is bad?
I pulled my GA-30 out of the closet for the first time in awhile, and I plug it in, plug the guitar in, give the tubes time to heat up, start getting hum, I'm just thinking quot;Ok, it's a really old amp, cant be perfectquot;. So I start to strum and I got nothin. Tried all the other inputs (there's 3 for instruments and 1 for a microphone) and I still got nothing. I'm not sure if it's the tubes, since all the bigger ones lit up (2 brighter than the other, but the other did light up) or if all the inputs went bad (which I seriously doubt, I mean, all of 'em?). So, if you guys could help me out, that'd be great. Also, what are the big tubes called and what are the little tubes called? Sorry for my ignorance on tube amps, but I just got this one not too long ago and havnt learned much about tube amps yet
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
lively humbuckers?
I'm trading for my first humbucker equiped guitar... trouble is, I've never liked humbuckers. To my ears, they have always sounded like somebody put a blanket over the amp (flame retardant suit)
What would you suggest for the most lively sounding buckers... not necessarily bright, but with some air in there.
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Rocktron Piranha preamp.
Anyone had any experience with it? What is it capable of?
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Alnico II Pro
I just installed an Alnico II Pro in the neck of my #2 Tele (Hot Rails in the bridge). It is replacing a '59 and so far I am very happy with it. Very nice chime and gone is the big bass boom of the '59. It blends nicely with the Hot Rail in the middle position and sounds great distorted on it's own. I played my #1 Tele to compare pickups, it has Golden Age (9k) buckers, they sound more like the '59 lots of low end. I like the sound of the Alnico II better. I use a Carvin MTS into a Dual Showman 2-15 cab so I have all the bass i need and then some with that combination. I would recommend this pickup to anyone looking for a brighter pickup in the neck position. Next I'll try the '59 in the bridge of my #1 Tele!
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Converting an Invader
I just got a used Invader, cause the price was right. I've always thought the Invader sounded too muddy, and after installing it in my Ibanez (which is quite bright) I still believe the same thing.
So I want to try some pickup modification on this thing. I would like to try putting an A5 magnet in it to make it sound more like a JB, or possibly remove some of the 3 Ceramic magnets to make it more like a Distortion.
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Good expections, gone bad
Have any of u thought about trying out a new guitar or amp that u thought was going to be great only to discover by playing it that the guitar it turned out to suck? For me it was a rickebacker 360. I looked at my musicians friend magazines for months thinking wow that guitar looks awesome, until i went to Sam Ash and tryed it out and i absolutely hated it. From the sticky neck and fretboard to the bright dull sound, the guitar just wasnt for me. Any of u have similar experiences?
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
First WAH GAS.
Mhmm well yeah, for xmas I think I'll buy myself a wah. I don't know why. I guess everyone needs one really? So yeah... I'd like to be able to handle a lot of gain, to be easily modeable (hehehehe...) and to be able to just stay in one position for leads (to get this nasal like tone I love).
- Dec 27 Tue 2011 21:09
Cheapest place to buy speakers?
I need a Jensen c12n for my Classic 30...