Alright so I'm probably going to buy one of these ESP LTD MH-1000 Deluxes. Now I've been looking at the model that has tone pros jb/59 pups. But its in a transparent cherry color.

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Hi there, I'm new here. I stumbled upon this forum in my quest for pretty unusual wiring schematics for Strat. Here's the story:

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Hey all,

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Like many techs .. I end up w/ lotsa dead and or unwanted pup's .. some die from blood sweat and beers ... others seem to just pass away while sitting in the box, or case for no apparant reason .. if they could only talk!

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Well, I have a minor problem. I can't find a good way to keep the footswitch for my amp mounted to my pedalboard. It has four little rubber feet (non-detachable) that keep it from sitting flat on the aluminum panels of my board. Right now I have a velcro dot on each foot, then strips of velcro on the panels that match up, but the dots just don't want to stay on the feet.

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Hi Guys, i will be buying a jackson RR3 soon. Duncan Detonator are the pickups. I heard some friends saying that the clean tone of it will be quite dirty. But i heard the tone from website, it sounds very clean. Any Of you guys try em before? Can they make it to the clean tone?

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Well, my amp is really beginning to piss me off. It's a Fender Princeton 65 SS amp that I've had for... 3, maybe 4 years. At this point I run my GT6 into its Power In jack only. It sounds better than using the inputs. Anyway, the problems:
The main one is that, especially at higher volumes, it makes this horrendous popping noise. Kind of like when you pull the plug out while it's on, just more muted sounding. The pattern that it typically goes in is thus: *playing* *stop* *pop-pop-pop-pop-pop* *play* *pop pop* *not playing* *pop* or something to that effect.

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hi y'all

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1 set of black Gamp;L split post tuners that was off an A.S.A.T. I used to have, in very good shape $25.00 Shipped CONUS.

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what's a good duncan combo for a standard fat strat?... I'm looking for a bridge humbucker that'll be good for heavy distortion and palm muting but isn't TOO high output (maybe a JB)... a neck pickup that sounds like the 59 (lil 59 perhaps?).. and I want a middle pickup that will allow me to still have that quot;little wingquot; tone in the fourth position.. is this too much versatility to ask for or does anybody have any ideas?

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