Its a Conn. Not in great shape, but definitely restorable. Its missing a tuner peg, and the saddle, so I'll have to deal with that before I can check out its sound. But free guitars are always cool. Artie

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I've never heard of nor seen one of these in my life. Anyone else?
from : localhost/;rd=1

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my old squire strat is buzzing on the 1st 3rd and 5th switch positions... um.. dont really know what it is other than possibly a bad ground... so what is it and hwo do i fix it?

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My JCM 800 doesn't have an effects loop so I want to use the Line Out on my Hot Plate. I just wanted to know though, is it okay to run it into a really clean amp and not a power amp? Also, from the Hot plate line out to the effects, I would use an instrument cable, not a speaker cable, right? Thanks!

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The local dealer here has a few HWY1 Strats. I picked up one at the shop and played it a bit. Very much like my tele version, in the neck department. I went home and played my MIM stat, and it played not nearly as good, and the small fretwire seemed puny. So i think I'm going to get one, especially since the Xmas specials are on the go now.

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i have a 90's squier strat and the neck is in pretty bad shape and i was wondering if the warmoth 24 3/4 conversion neck will fit on it. Besides the neck pocket shape what bothers me is that the neck it has now is 21 frets so if i install a 22 fret neck on it will it effect the tuning on the guitar?

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I've been looking for a new tube amp for a quite some time, and this one seems to have what I need and be in the suitable price range. Does anybody have any opinions about it? Any comparisons to other amps? Any other recommendations in the same price range, keeping my location (= Finland) in mind? Thanks!

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Well kiddies, it's been some time since I posted a clip. Here's a clip over one of Rid's backing tracks - Van Sykes II. This one was just beggin for it...great backing track.

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ok.. for a srv/blues tone, what would be better for a $1,000-1,500 price range? i was thinkin about a new american fat strat because i like bridge humbuckers better than single coils, or maybe the srv strat if it sounds anything like he does... lol. i was also wondering whether g and ls are a better buy. the commanche looks good but alittle out of my price range.

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I've seen a lot of variation on this as I've watched other guitarists. I personally like mine a little higher than usual, somewhere around my stomach.

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