Hey guys. I recently heard a clip on the website that I am in love with. You can hear the clip here:

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what do you think of this combination in a les paul :

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A buddy of mine were discussin Robbie Krieger's tone (which I find fabulous) and he told me he used a Fender Twin... I tried to get close ish to it with my POD, and it wasn't bright enough, however the Bassman model really did get close to that 'Peace Frog' groove. Then I saw a video of it (The End live at some TV show on google) and it did seem that he was using a Bassman. Does anyone know for sure?

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Hey guys, I had a phenonminal night playing with my buddies Adam(drums) and Keith(guitar). A rundown of the gear used tonight: 1) Drum kit was miked into a PA/mixer board, can't give very many details other than it sounded great, 2)Keith was playing his Schecter C1 EA semihollow with Phat Cats and Standard Strat with a Hotrails neck in the bridge and Stock mid/neck plugged into a Valvetronics AD120VTX 2x12 combo and 3)I was playing my Custom FMT Tele with CS Antiquity/'59n plugged into a Valvetronics AD60VTH, 2x12 loaded with Swamp Thang/Texas Heat and 2x12 loaded with V30's.
We played some funk, heavy classic rock, fusion and lots of blues. All of the gear shined in each genre. Keith just put his Phat Cats in a couple of days ago and what a tone they make. Very ballsy, articulate and cuts right through the mix in nearly every situation for both lead and rhythm. They cleaned up pretty well too. It's the first time I've ever heard the PC's and they ROCK!

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from : localhost/cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll...322133574amp;rd=1

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I'm thinking of adding a tuner to my pedal board and was wondering which ones you all have or have had and what you thaought of them. How much more acurate are the $100 doller ones from the $50 ones.

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Well I finally bit the bullit and decided to get the fret job done on my Les Paul. It's a 1978 and has needed one for a while now. I've been hesitant and freaked out because I'm afraid that the guitar will be completely different when I get it back. This is my baby... I've played it exclusively for the last 13 years! So now I'm telling myself that when I get it back it will be like a brand new guitar!!!

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Can anybody give me there thoughts about replacing
the Music Man pickups with the Semour D. pickups.

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Alright, the guy in the apartment next door to me is thinking of swapping the pickups in his Jackson. He is looking for a pair of Screamin' Demons (tremspaced in bridge, normal neck of course), and I told him I'd post here to see if there were any used ones for sale. Let me know what you have and I'll run it by him .

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