Hey guys, I had a phenonminal night playing with my buddies Adam(drums) and Keith(guitar). A rundown of the gear used tonight: 1) Drum kit was miked into a PA/mixer board, can't give very many details other than it sounded great, 2)Keith was playing his Schecter C1 EA semihollow with Phat Cats and Standard Strat with a Hotrails neck in the bridge and Stock mid/neck plugged into a Valvetronics AD120VTX 2x12 combo and 3)I was playing my Custom FMT Tele with CS Antiquity/'59n plugged into a Valvetronics AD60VTH, 2x12 loaded with Swamp Thang/Texas Heat and 2x12 loaded with V30's.
We played some funk, heavy classic rock, fusion and lots of blues. All of the gear shined in each genre. Keith just put his Phat Cats in a couple of days ago and what a tone they make. Very ballsy, articulate and cuts right through the mix in nearly every situation for both lead and rhythm. They cleaned up pretty well too. It's the first time I've ever heard the PC's and they ROCK!
I've been having a hard time finding the right pups for my Tele and I just wasn't sure that the Ant, as good as it sounds, was the right pup. Previously I had tried a PG and a Seth in the bridge. The Seth sounded great, but when comparing it to the Ant, the Ant won out for the added depth to it's tone. It took me some time dialing in my amp as well, but when I did the Tele turned into a Blues/Classic Rock tone monster. It's obviously NOT usable with super high gain due to microphobics. The Tele itself is really coming together, with new and heavier strings(10's) plus a proper setup it plays better than any guitar I've ever had. The neck, though thin, is so freaking comforable to play and the jumbo frets allow you to make smoother bends and vibrato. It is balanced perfectly so it stays right where you want it when standing up. The Valvetronics head continues to amaze me with it's pallet of awsome tones. I'm really loving the JCM 800 setting with the gain around 2 o'clock, vol 9, treb 2, mid maxed, bass 11, presence 2 and master vol maxed, no fx or delay, plugged into the high input. I can roll back the guitar vol to clean it up a bit, very tasty! I'll try to add more later, but I'm so pumped right now.....it was a great night for music, wish that I could have recorded it!
**John, I know that you will be reading this eventually. I've got a really cool Plexi setting for you that I dialed in while we were playing. I saved it, but I have to figure out just what the settings are yet. It was very similar to the tone of the Rev's lead runs on quot;Jesus just left Chicagoquot; at least with my set up it was.**
now THAT sounds like good times!!!
i'm glad your sound is really starting to come together man!!!
Last night proved the theory that if your tone is good, you will play better because it just plain makes you feel better. I haven't been this jazzed about playing in a long time, everything just seemed to click. Thanks Seymour!!!!!!!
Did you play 'till the cows came home?
Awww, couldn't resist, bro.
LOL, very funny.....very funny......
- Aug 20 Fri 2010 21:00
Updated Review of my new FMT Tele/CS Antiquity/Phat Cats