Yo,wassup dudes,I'm new here and i could do with some of ur help.
I'm about to go and change one of pickups and i've never done it before,i'm pretty sure i know what to do but could anyone just tell me how to do it or post a link or somfin'? First of all i thought there where meant to be like 4 wires but this one just has one big fat one so where does it go?
Thanx a lot for ur help guys.
I assume you´re talking about a humbucker..... take a closer look at that big wire.....there are 4 wires and a shield/drain inside of the outer insulation.....just cut off about an inch of that insulation and you should be all set to use the diagrams SD provides on the main site
Oh cool, i'll try that.That's really the kind of thing they should put on the packaging.So does the outer silver stuff need to be attached to ground?And how do i cut the outer stuff without cutting the wires inside?
You'll need wire strippers for that, the silver foil needs to come off with the outer wire, there are a load of diagrams on the SD main site, there should be one for your guitar. (What is it by the way?)
Oh yeah,it's a yamaha pacifica and i'm putting a '59 humbucker in the neck position.Yeah i cut through the silver foil but there's only one black wire under here.Should there not be another one to go to ground or something?
Cheers for all the help so far guys.
Sounds like a braided single conductor 59n (Am I right?)
If so, then the braided silver bit gets soldered to the back of the pot (for ground), and the one remaining wire goes to the lug on the pot.
Or you can od it like this schematic shows from : localhost//website...tics/humb.html, just solder to the lug in the pot, and use a small wire from the other lug to the back of the pot for ground.
I hope this helped you more than confusing you!...
Yeah,it's a '59n alright.Thanks a lot for your help man,i'll try that.So the braided outside bit goes directly onto the ground point and then the black wire inside it goes on to the three way switch?
Yeah, or you can do it the other way if the braid is too hard to solder, either should work fine...
- Aug 20 Fri 2010 21:00
Where Does This Wire Go?