
I know this has been done before, and theres a thread about this in the Vault - but tastes update themselves.

So get to it!

SH-1N '59 Neck and SH-4 JB Bridge on my LP's. Best of both worlds combination: Vintage/Progressive. Only pickup combo i'll ever need in any situation that works on ANY style of music you can think of. I've used the same combo when i played pro for 5 years. Been using it for 15 years now.

SH-13 bridge and SH-10N Neck in pretty much every guitar I play.
It's a combo that totally kills.

CC/Seth for Les Pauls

Twangbanger/2 Surfers in strat.

APH2/ 2 giant sticks of buttah...

ooooh well... i recently installed a duncan livewire set and i LOVE the sound of both pickups however im having problems with them atm (thus my post about the problems)

so im not gonna count those...
The best combo besides that would have to be...

The Duncan '59 in the neck (sexy sounding :P) and.. hmm...
Ill have to say the Kent Armstrong ULTRA DISTORTION for the bridge...

kent armstrong is a cheaper quot;offquot;-brand but i love metal (music.. duh) and that pickup is great!! better than duncan distortion when on a mahogany bodied guitar .. if you ask me anyways

Seth / Seth in a Les Paul. Beautiful PAF-style tone for classic rock and blues.

let's see here...for a mahogany guitar (LP, schecter etc) i like a JB bridge Jazz neck...for a tele i love a hotrails in the bridge and an SM-1 vintage mini hum. in the neck...for alder H/H guitars i like a CC bridge and PG neck...for a typical 3 PU strat...i'm still searching.


I change very frecuently but 59/JB it's my current favorite.

59 neck/Paf classic bridge it's a quite nice one too.

I gotta love that pair of 59's. Clean, bluesy, jazzy, and still rocks.

Though I like it here's nothing particularly special about the CC/HR/CR set up on my Predator. That is of course until you split the CC and run it with the Hot Rails. It is UNHOLY. It gives almost a funky-country sound, if you can understand that. Never heard anything like it. It sounds pretty cool dirty, too.

Hard to say when you haven't really seen a need to change what you use for (lets count on the fingers here 1 ...2 ...3) ... about 6-7 years.

All hails to the Full Shred Bridge, '59 neck combo

Air Zone/Bluesbucker in an ash Strat, both covered, w/ 500K pots.

SSL-1 in all three positions. Same polarity and output.

Someone had to quot;chimequot; in on single coils.

I would have to say PG neck with a CC bridge. Works great for me...couldnt ask for more.

JB/59 is always a good one.

I really like JB/hotrails/hotrails too.

Overall, I like the JB/'59 set up for both LP's and SS's the most.

LesStrat is quite happy with his

HR/CR/HR configuration

In my LP: Pearly Gates Set
In my Carvin (APH/CC)
Tele: tossup between Hot Set or SM1/JD combo
Strat: Albert Lee sig set (Very similar to APS-2's).

i really like the antiquities in my bluesbird and in my tele
i also like the voodoo te50's in a tele. vintage sound but much hotter than the duncan antiquities.

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