Gosh, I am being absent minded these days.... anyway, my band is called Engeo (as in, the phonetic of NGO - Non Government Organisation) and we play largely acoustic indie alt-rock, but we have been recording heavier stuff too.
to the mp3 bit.... ah, im sure you can work it out
Pretty groovy stuff man. quot;Dreamworldquot; reminded me of Blind Melon meets Pink Floyd. quot;Overall Attitudequot; sounded a whole lot to me like Pink Floyd's quot;Goodbye Blue Skyquot; or whatever it's called. Was it only supposed to be 32 seconds? quot;Virtual Perfectionquot; reminded me of like Queen meets Dexies Midnight Runners. That's some rather unique music you got there. Pretty cool man.
Not bad I like it! Chillin music. I totally dig it after all my chaotic needs, I need to come down.
- Aug 20 Fri 2010 21:00
I just realised... I never alerted people to my band!