

I use a number of SD pups. I have ordered a set of the Seth Lover 50th anniversery. Is there really any difference between them and the typical Seth Lover besides the engraving?

Is there any info on the SD site about them?


I thought those were a limited run done months ago? Are they not long since sold out?

MF still lists them on their site. Even though they got glowing reviews here, they apparently weren't as hot an item as was first thought.

Hum... I ordered the Alnico II version. It indicated they were in stock. But, they may not really be in stock. I guess I will find out.

I just wondered as I have a Seth Lover and P-Gates coming for a LP if there really was some sort of difference besides the engraving. It looks like the mini buckers a bit to me. I will use them someplace here as I just like them.

Originally Posted by TheArchitectI thought those were a limited run done months ago? Are they not long since sold out?

Man, I would have thought so by now!! Wasn't that a limited run of 500 sets or something?

Originally Posted by Wymore GuitarsMan, I would have thought so by now!! Wasn't that a limited run of 500 sets or something?

I just checked the MF website .... it say's 150 sets of Alnico II's and 300 sets of Alnico 5 were made.

So ... I have read about the big mix-up and all that, but really can't find much on the differences between the regular Seths and these.

I am a blues, Jazz classic rocker sort of player.

The anniversary version is wound a bit hotter. The standard Seth Lover has 7.2k/8.1k (neck/bridge) D.C. resistance. The Anniv. Seth are spec'ed at 7.5k-7.8k/8.5k-8.8k

I can't believe they're selling them on MF for less than regular Seths right now.
They're great sounding pickups. I have the A2's, and they sound sweet!
$200 and free shipping is a steal!

I have a regular Seth (n) and a Pearly Gates (b) coming from an earlier order. It sounds like I can wait a couple more days for these and not be sorry at all.

Wow, If those are still available after all this time thats embarassing. Evan, go buy them back before MF throws them in the bargain bin any worse.

Thanks for the info folks! I am gald they were not gone, so the little mis-communication appears to have worked to my advantage.

If I had more guitars, I'd probably want more of them. At $200, you're getting MJ made Seths, rather than production floor. I have them in my 2001 LP Std. Prem Plus and they sound like pure vintage PAF. Sometimes, I wish I could have mis/matched them, because I'd love to have an A2 bridge and A5 neck instead of my 2 A2's. They sound great clean and bluesy and also for AC/DC cranked Marshall tone. You can really hear the wood and tubes with them!

Originally Posted by GearjoneserIf I had more guitars, I'd probably want more of them. At $200, you're getting MJ made Seths, rather than production floor. I have them in my 2001 LP Std. Prem Plus and they sound like pure vintage PAF. Sometimes, I wish I could have mis/matched them, because I'd love to have an A2 bridge and A5 neck instead of my 2 A2's. They sound great clean and bluesy and also for AC/DC cranked Marshall tone. You can really hear the wood and tubes with them!

Oowwwwh! I am dieing to get these things in the guitar. Warm, round articulate. Neck will do jazz and the bridge AC/DC. I am there.

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