So I am buying new pickups for my bass (MIM Fender standard P bass) and I want to know if I get those (Basslines APB-2 Lightnin' Rods Active) will I have space for the battery or get some cavity on the back (which dont wanna do it or some do it), will it be worth it? I am looking for a fat punchy mellow tone, or those are just replacements for a bass that already had active pups. I want to be sure that I'll get what I want without doing a lot of mods to the bass.
from : localhost/should I just get passive ones
from : localhost/be glad if you could help me.
I would say that you may want to look into the Bill Lawrence P-46. It is a passive split coil pickup. I just ordered one and I am very happy with it. It is balanced with nice highs and mids that have punch but are not like glass shards in your ears when you play. I like the quarter pounder too but it is only for maybe a 2nd bass because of the sound dynamics. The quarter pounder is kind of flat in response and it is difficult to get a mellow tone from it. The Bill Lawrence is around $60 but I think it is better than some of the other replacement active pickups I have played. If you want to know more, please refer to my signature. You must order from Bill himself if you want a new one. This is because he does not use retailers. I hope I helped you.
Hey thanks for the info I already placed my order with, I'll try to order from his site if I am not satisfied or just buy them anyways.
from : localhost/
The Dimarzio Model P is a great sounding passive bass pickup, I've got one in my MIM P Bass and it can keep up with our bass players active Carvin.
I am pretty sure you would need to route the body to accomodate the battery.
IMHO, the P-BAss is all about passive tone. Any of the SD pickups will be a very noticable improvment over the MIM pickup. Just look at the tone charts and decide what model fits your needs the best.
The Fender Precision Bass is my favorite sounding bass of all time. It was the bass James Jamerson used for all of the Motown sessions and having grown up in Detroit during that time, it's the tone I like best. For that tone, I'd recommend the Duncan Vintage P Bass or Antiquity P Bass. If you want a little stronger, throatier tone, then the Duncan Quarter Pounder P Bass pickup might be a good gets a great tone that's a little more modern sounding. I don't know all that much about the active models but most likely you'd have to aleter your guitar under the pickguard to take the battery. But maybe it would fit in with the volume and tone controls...I don't know for sure.
I have never used or installed the Lightning Rods but I've never had a problem stashing a 9 volt or two under Fender guards. I have played some of the SD Active Jazz Bass pickups and they were very nice.
As was said before, the SD passive models are all exceptional. I have installed the regular and hot SD P Bass pickups in customer guitars and they always sound killer.
Thanks for your replies, I decided to get the SPB-3 Quarter Pounders because it seemed to be easier to install and it will suit my sound(according to the tone chart), surely I can't wait and try them with my flatwounds. :6:
- Aug 20 Fri 2010 21:00
Precision Bass pups