I am having a 40-50 watt head built for me by a builder named Ed Giller, and I don't know which I should go for. In the 40-50 watt range, he offers a Plexi model (6l6s or el34s, both with a master volume and hotswitch mod), a JTM45 model (el34s), or a Matchless type model (6l6s or el34s)...I dont know which to choose!
I want a full, rich, articulate tone...I like String Cheese Incident's lead guitar sounds, Plexi tones are nice too, I like jazz too...
Any ideas or site references to tell me what these amps would sound like?
Tell me what would sound most like a TWO ROCK also...
I know they are 50 wattsish, 6l6s....
Which of the said amps would give me the closest to those sounds?
A Two Rock is more of a Dumble inspired Fender design if you get right down to it. So, the amps you mentioned above are going to cover that. Think Two Rock, think Blackface Fender on steroids.
I'm not familiar enough with the string cheese thing to give any tone advice.
A plexi and jTm45 actually differ by very little. Just a few components and solid state versus tube rectifier. Both sound great.
There is something pretty cool about a Matchless tone that I find to be about the finest thing I can imagine. I love the little Matchless type amp I build more than the Two Rock I own that cost 3 times as much. Just different tones. The Matchless tone just grabs me more *these days* than the Two Rock/Fender thing.
Can you go by and listen to them?
Scott's right on, the best thing to do is go out and play some of this stuff for yourself. I've been using lower wattage Vox/Matchless type amps for a while and can't imagine anything better *for my tastes*. I dig the whole Dumble/blackface Fender thing that Two Rocks have going on, but 6l6s just don't work for me, I like the mid push of an EL-34 (find them to cut through a band better).
I know it sounds copy-catish, but it's not a bad idea to use the same type of rig your favorite bands or guitar players use. That way, you're cutting to the chase, and taking advantage of what definitely works for that style.
I think I've always observed live bands, and subconsciously took inventory of what they use, and while I don't need the stuff that doesn't apply, I learn things about what tones work for that musical style. It's obviously the reason music companies give endorsements to influential artists.
Anyone have some sites with Matchless clips, PREFERABLY higher wattage ones...If I have a Matchless clone built, its going to be 40 watts-ish, do you all think that will be plenty of headroom? I dont want it overdrive too early...
I think the 'slightly overdriven pushed' sound is great for some applications, but I don't like it for me too much...So will 40 watts break up too easy, or am I alright? Dont forget I will be using 6l6's(best headroom out of el84 or el 34)
After listening to some Plexi and JTM 45 clips, the plexi is out of the question...
Between matchless and jtm45....
pm sent scott F
If you want clean and full, a DR504 Hiwatt clone maybe what you are looking for.
Those are great amps, clear and sounds good at almost levels and styles.
I'll give you 1st hand info pretty soon
Alright I found out exactly all of what he can build for me: Plexi or JTM45, Matchless Spitfire or Lightning, Fender Bassman.
(The Matchless being cathode bias for 40 watts max, the Marshalls amp; Fender being fixed bias for 50 watts)
I am leaning towards the Bassman, as his version has a master volume (as do all his amps)...
If you want to hear a great Matchless amp check out John Jorgenson of the Hellecasters.
My Matchless Chieftan reminds me of 50 watt Plexi only with reverb and a cathode biased output stage. The term quot;Cathode Biasquot; is often used interchangeably with quot;Class Aquot; ,although they're actually a little differant. But it gives a tone that is more touch sensitive than conventionally biased amps (grid bias)...I can squeeze the notes out like toothpaste from a tube (sort of!) with cathode biased amps.
To really get the Matchless tone I think cathode bias is a must.
Just for the record, in order for an amp to be true class A the experts say it would have to have one output tube...like a Fender Champ. The Fender Champ is also a cathode biased amp.
Anyways, if your buddy can build you a clone of a Matchless Chieftan I'd say: quot;GO FOR IT!quot;
I appreciate the Matchless/Vox type tone...but it's just not for me...too sweet..not nasty enough
I'd personally go JTM45or Bassman...in that order..but if ya want authentic JTM tones, then don't get EL34s...get some KT66s, and a tube rec. 5881 (another 6L6 type) work decent too and Marshall used them as well, but the classic JTM45 tone is the KT-66.
I envy your having to make such a hard decison..lotsa great tones there to choose from in a handbuilt amp!
Lew...My builder does Spitfire and Lightning only, so I have started to lean towards the Bassman...
I already have a Hot Rod Deluxe, but I assume a custom made head Bassman will sound amazing...I just simply love Fender sounds, its that simple...Plus I know it will have enough headroom...
I was scared out the Bassman at first because of what you have said about them Lew, but he does master volumes, so I think it will be good.
I assume your Bassman was awesome, just loud?
I will use it with an Avatar 212 (V30 and G12H30) for soft blues, full jazz, modern jazz, fusion, a la Phish, String Cheese Incident, Particle, and of course some SRV and the classics...
Lew...think the Bassman 50 watt head will suit my fancy for these styles through that cab?
and pm sent lew
I love my tweed Bassman somedays and other days find it brittle bright and just to loud and bassy!
The JTM-45 circuit is very, very similar to a 5F6-A tweed Bassman...differant transformers and output tubes would make them sound a little differant from each other though.
Also, the two amps are 180 degrees out of phase with each other.
I don't play very loud these days...my hearing is damaged and if I play to loudly my hearing gets worse for a few days afterwards.
Most players probably wouldn't find the Bassman to loud...it's just that I have to be careful these days and save whatever I have left.
I do find that my Bassman and my 50 watt Marshalls are to loud for most of the playing situations I find myself in these days.
But with the master volume on my Matchless I can get the tones I like at a reasonable (although still pretty loud) volume.
I'll tell you: I've owned many, many amps (including original 50 watt and 100 watt Plexis, all sorts of tweed and blackface Fenders, Vox AC-30, etc.) and the Matchless Chieftan and SC-30 are the best amps (for me) that I've owned. And if I could only have one, I'd keep the Chieftan.
Since I can hijack my own thread...Lew, how about some Matchless sound clips?
Originally Posted by fuzzyratfartsSince I can hijack my own thread...Lew, how about some Matchless sound clips?
Sorry...don't have anything to record them on. Gearjoneser also has one...maybe he can help? Lew
Originally Posted by fuzzyratfartsSince I can hijack my own thread...Lew, how about some Matchless sound clips?This is the link to the Matchless website which has clips of the C-30 Series, the Chieftains and Lightning models. Not sure if you've heard those, but figured it was worth a shot.
I think that a Matchless and the Bassman are the two best choices, but that's me. Good luck with whatever you choose, bro!
Will a JTM45 give me lots of full bodied rich tone and lots of headroom?
Hey, fuzzy, I answered your headroom question in the clips forum. My JTM45 clone has tons of headroom and cleans up real well with the guitar volume knob. I use KT66 tubes and love the sound.
My advice is to be very very selective about the following things:
1) Rectifier tube type. If you're going to use a tube rectifier, different types can make a huge difference in how tight, responsive and thick your sound is.
2) Output transformer brand/type. These also make a huge difference in tone in plexi style amps. My current favorites are the various plexi models that Mercury Magnetics is producing.
If you're using 6l6s, there will be a few different types of transformers you can use. If you're using el-34s, there will be a bunch of other choices. Make sure you get something that lines up with the tones you're after.
- Aug 20 Fri 2010 21:00
Plexi? JTM45? Matchless?