
Now the amp g.a.s. Thread reminded me of the fact that I'd need a good amp too, but when I look at the prices for tube amps, even the cheap ones (1x12 ~30W) cost about 500€ over here... but then I see some under 18 year olds in here who do own such things... how can they afford?

i struggled with $400 for my amp when i was 19, so i know how you are feelin, bud

Work allways come to mind...

The problem is that I don't have the time to work because I'm pretty 100% percent of my capacity with school...

Originally Posted by KommerzbassistNow the amp g.a.s. Thread reminded me of the fact that I'd need a good amp too, but when I look at the prices for tube amps, even the cheap ones (1x12 ~30W) cost about 500€ over here... but then I see some under 18 year olds in here who do own such things... how can they afford?

I guess it's not them who can afford the gear... My amp was a present my parents did to me when I've got my physics degree.

Since I've been living by own I didn't buy anything over 120$.

Too much gear, too little money!!!

You're lucky... my birthday present from my mother was worth about 15 Bucks... so I think that's not an option for me...

I would guess some are gifts, some work.....some are pulling your leg!!!

The main thing is on the used market here, a good amp can be found for a decent price. You poor guys have to pay d@mn near double what we're paying.Ah, there's no place like home!!!

Mine was inheritence money, it was nice to use the money to buy a real quality piece of gear that i will get an awful lot of use out of and that i will probably keep my whole life. (Marshall JCM800 btw)

Originally Posted by PUCKBOY99Ah, there's no place like home!!!

It isn't!!!

Ah I guess I'm just going to have to do ALOT of gigs with my new band

is it legal to be a gigolo in Austria?

Originally Posted by KommerzbassistAh I guess I'm just going to have to do ALOT of gigs with my new band

As long as you don't become the next Falco, you'll be O.K. !!!

Originally Posted by PUCKBOY99As long as you don't become the next Falco, you'll be O.K. !!!

Why not? I mean.. thats a good piece of music
Nah... absolutely not...

Der Kommisar geht um...hehe

i wouldn't own all my stuff without working and smashing my kneeplate during a football game(insurance money can be quite a lot of fun if you're 18 like i was back then)

I work my @$$ off

30 hours a week, and i still go to school

and my car insurance is $150 a month, so for a long time, if i wanted something, well, takes a couple months but i can get it. Theres no point in settling for less than you want, if its at all possible that you can get what you want

and my parents are paying my insurance now, so i got about $500 a month to blow on whatever i want. WOOHOOOOOOOO

prolly start saving for a '73 nova soon, though

I have never owned a quot;realquot; amp - always some kind of amp modelling and a very cheap amp to go along. Recently I build a 5W tubeamp myself (way too silent for band situation) and my current amp is an old german tubeamp (Echolette from the 60s) which I repaired, modded (EQ, ...) and put in a combo case.
Maybe I'll save up some money someday but currently I like the sound - I'd rather buy/build a tube preamp than buying a complete amp. They simply cost too much...

Here's what you do (take notes).

I saved up money since I was 16. Had a summer job and spent very little (that means not a lot of eating out, going to the movies etc.). As I got a little older, my parents allowed me to work while going to school. The key is to save up as much as you can (I learned to stop spending money on stupid little stuff). It's even easier saving up money when you're young because you don't have bills to pay.

Buy used. A lot of people are against it, but that's how I got what I have today. I researched what was going to make me happy, I waited and I pounced on the right opportunity. I used eBay quite a bit when it came to my gear over the years and as long as you get a seller that has legit positive feedback with pricey items (the more, the better), you know you'll be good to go.

Lots of people have different methods. Gearjoneser buys and sells for profit to fund new gear. I buy an item, save up more money, sell it and upgrade. If you do that enough times, you're going to get great gear and be able to enjoy better amps and guitars as you go along. I never started out with boutique stuff, I started with an Epi Les Paul that my grandfather handed down to me and a MIM Strat that my parents got me for Christmas one year.

Ok man this is what I am currently doing... saved some money to get me a cheap Squier... NOW I've got enough money to get me good SD pups, electronics, pickguard 'n' stuff... ok... but an amp is quite expansive though and it'll take really long for me to get enough money for it... but let's see whats coming

Originally Posted by KommerzbassistOk man this is what I am currently doing... saved some money to get me a cheap Squier... NOW I've got enough money to get me good SD pups, electronics, pickguard 'n' stuff... ok... but an amp is quite expansive though and it'll take really long for me to get enough money for it... but let's see whats coming

looks like you're doing fine.

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