
I do not know anything about this guitar and can not find anything on the internet about it.

Some good friends gave this guitar to me. His dad was a state trooper in Arkansas and was called out to a bar fight one night. When he rolled up to the bar this guy swung it at him so he stuffed him and confiscated the guitar. It was up in there hayloft for about 10 - 15 years before I got it.

They said it probably does not wok but thought I would like to put it in my collection. So I put some strings on it and plugged it in and everything worked. The fret board needed a lot of oil it was dry to the bone but I have not touched anything else. I have had it for about a year.

Any info on this guitar would be greatly appreciated.
any markings of any kind on it...where was it made...etc?!?!

The only markings I can find are under the neck and its just stamped M-2.

kinda has the vibe of an old Kay, National, or Supro.

It looks like an unbranded Harmony that would have been sold through a department store in the early 60's.

Looks like you got some sweet minis there. Do they sound good?

nice catch.. i like old guitars, especially acoustics. once i played a very old unknown acoustic at my frens place with actions soo high i never seen before but its so resonant and sweet its almost unbelievable.

Dude!! Are those DUNCANS!??

Man, I just love these guitars where the guy designing the body and the guy designing the pickguard never get a chance to talk to each other.

Anyway, interesting axe. That would be cool to restore, and pop some Duncans into.

It sounds very clean with a lot of pop. The guitar weighs half of what my strat weighs. It is a very unique piece. The high E is very touchy to tune in much like a good woman. So I call her b!tch. He he!!

That's a great story!

You know I have not even thought of pulling the pups to look. I will do that tonight.

Brian....that's a great project guitar to do a refinish on. It could actually turn out to be really sweet. I'll be interested to hear what's underneath that picguard.

I don't think I'd do a thing to it aside from pulling the pickguard amp; cleaning the crap out of the pots etc.....

And something under there might clue you in as to what it is.

TGWIF....that's not a Hagstrom, is it?????

Intresting guitar, wonder whats under that odd-shaped guard.
and puckboy, what does TGWIF stand for?

TGWIF=The Guy Who Invented Fire, fellow board member amp; I thought, Hagstrom knowledgable???!!!

thats awsome i wouldnt try and redo it id just set it up for metal when ur about to play it no ones gonna see it coming

The Guy Who Invented Fire!!!!!!!!

This ones for you bro!!!!!

Originally Posted by PUCKBOY99TGWIF=The Guy Who Invented Fire, fellow board member amp; I thought, Hagstrom knowledgable???!!!

oh, right, ****

Ok, I am back from bowling and I am going to pull the picguard. Let me put my scrubs on and let’s see what we got under here.

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