I'm planning on putting new pups in my legacy
Swamp Ash Body/Maple Neck
Bridge- Hot Rails (SHR-1)
Middle- Hot Stack (STK-S2)
Neck - Vintage Rails (SVR-1)
It's a 'rail' theme, descending in output. What do you guys think?
sounds fine to me. like you said, youll have decending output. really hot thick bridge, kinda hot and more stratty middle, brighter spankier lower output neck.
It sounds good to me, but if it were my guitar i would go with a cool rails or another hot rails in the neck, but thats just me.
Well, finally got the pups purchased and installed. I also got the expander switch mod done also.
I am amazed with the tones I can get with this axe. I can get everything from heavy distortion to clean. Playing with the tone controls really has a big effect on the sounds. I've actually gotten that muffled tube sound that you hear from those people that eat that tube yogurt (go figure...yogurt in the guitar).
My other guitar with standard Gamp;L pups doesn't even come close to what I can get from this thing. This guitar actually vibrates against my chest now when I hit some notes.
I can't wait to see what some pedals will do to this thing...
Just wow. I lucked out with this combo.
What you've done with your Strat is just a slight variation of what I just did with mine . . . and I agree, its killer.
Love those rails. I'm surprised that the Hot Stack sounds louder than the VR. I just swapped out a HS for a VR, (but there was a PG inbetween), and I definitely percieve the VR as higher output than the Stack.
Oh well . . . doesn't matter. Its all good tone.
Yeah, with the hot stack in the middle, I can actually use the middle pup by itself for useable tones and not just for the mix of the 2 and 4 position.
once i fix my hotrails im puttin it in the bridge of mystrat. does it clean up at all?
It cleans up but not that well...there's a reason for that pickup selector switch man.
One thing I found with the hotrails in the bridge, you have to roll back the tone knobs to about 7-8 to get a 'cleaner' distortion sound. Running with both tones at 10 gives that muffled tubey sound.
- Aug 20 Fri 2010 21:00
How's this for a Strat combo??