
The 59b is my favorite SD bridge pickup, but I always used it in LP type mahagony guitars.

I now have a Strat copy (very decent guitar, buy the way, I can't believe the wood quality of these $99 SX - most of the hardware is complete crap, no surprise here) which is alder with a maple neck.

Should I pick a 59b or will it be too bright in this guitar? Am I better off with a Pearly Gates (ain't it even brighter?) or a CC? Any other suggestion? I want something in the PAF ballpark, the CC being the higher up I want to go.


Originally Posted by Sly_DThe 59b is my favorite SD bridge pickup, but I always used it in LP type mahagony guitars.

I now have a Strat copy (very decent guitar, buy the way, I can't believe the wood quality of these $99 SX - most of the hardware is complete crap, no surprise here) which is alder with a maple neck.

Should I pick a 59b or will it be too bright in this guitar? Am I better off with a Pearly Gates (ain't it even brighter?) or a CC? Any other suggestion? I want something in the PAF ballpark, the CC being the higher up I want to go.


The CC in the bridge of an otherwise anemic strat is a great pickup...The 59 Trembucker is great also,but it's not as ballsy and smooth like the CC..

You sound like me, I agree with John. The CC is really smooth in alder strats. I haven't played a full size 59 in strat in a long time but the Little 59 in my MIA sounds wonderful and that's what's pulling me in the direction of the 59 for my frankenstrat. Plus I have the CC in two other guitars already.

Thanks guys... well, I like the 59 so much I'm really leaning towards it also... I'll have another guitar with a beefier pickup later on.

The 59 works great in the bridge of alder strat. The high bass gives it a more smoother sound.

Thanks greendy123... by the way, should I go for a Trembucker or regular humbucker? Is there a big difference?

Go for the trembucker since you have the choice. If someone gave you a standard spaced one then I'd say don't worry about it.

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