
Without getting into the reasons, I'll just say that I'm short on cash right now, and it's possible I'll have to sell some gear to get back on my feet. Here is a list of what I own. I would like some input on what YOU would sell and why. Pick as many or as few items as you wish.

- Fender MIJ Tele Custom, all stock
- Fender MIA Strat, 3 SD Classic Stacks, Graphtec saddles and nut
- Jay Turser P-bass clone
- Fender MIM Strat w. Pearly Gates and 2 Fender Tex Specials, Sperzel locking tuners (NOTE: I am NOT selling this one no matter what - I am merely putting it here as a reference so you know what I own)
- Simon and Patrick Pro Flame Maple acoustic (also not for sale)
COMING SOON: Warmoth LP body and neck, will buy hardware and pups when finances stabilize

- Line6 Pod XT bean
- Atomic Reactor 112

- Digidesign MBox (includes ProTools LE)
- Behringer UB802 mini mixing board
- Samson Resolv 50a active monitors

- Yamaha DX7 keyboard
- Stand for the above

I don't play out at all any more, but I intend to start a new band in the new year. I am thinking that the Reactor is the prime candidate for sale for this reason. The MIA Strat is also a possibility, although I would be really sad if I had to part with that.

Also, I should note that the financial difficulties are only temporary, and that I will be able to buy back what I sell in the future.

Thanks for your input.

It depends on how much $$ you are trying to raise.

I'd sell the keyboard and Line 6 stuff. I've been in plenty of financial straights at times, and fortunately, I was a gun owner......because those were the first to go! LOL It's best to get rid of the high dollar items that are the most easily found again.

One reason I collect as many toys as I do is because it's like an investment I can cash out of quickly in a pinch. If it were stocks or TV's/Stereos, I'd be SOL, if I needed quick cash. Luckily, music gear always has a buyer.

Originally Posted by Gearjoneser

I've been in plenty of financial straights at times, and fortunately, I was a gun owner......because those were the first to go! LOL

Oh man... you just reminded me of the Sig 220 I *had* to sell

BTW, I agree with GJ... sell the keyboard and pod. You might have to dig through 10 Strats to find one that feels as good as the one you sold, but every pod will be the same, ya know?

Man, I sold a $800 Colt Gold Cup National Match .45 one time, just to pay rent, and sold it for $400. That hurt, but it sure beat selling a guitar.

i hate this thread....i'm down to 0 electric guitars 2 acoustics, 1 bass and no amps...and what's almost even worse...i'm also down to a 5 shot snub nose .38, a russian sks and a few shotguns...i use to have tons of guns! i soooooooooooooo feel for you my friend...i know exactly how you must thoughts and prayers are with ya!


as for advice on what to sell...DON'T SELL ANYTHING...unless you ABSOLUTELY have to and there's NO other way!

sell the tele too. you shouldnt sell the mia strat, unless you can take it back to stock, you'd be getting less for it than the axe is worth

Sell the stuff that you can get back exactly the same - eg electronic stuff/amps. Guitars are much more personal items IMO, and it's very hard to replace a guitar you felt was 'just right' with another.. even if it is the same model again, it won't feel like the same guitar you used to have.

1: Pick 2 guitars, you don't need more than that, specially when your short on money
2: Sell the keyboard and stand, you prob don't absolutely need it
3: Sell the bean and the stuff with it, but do that after your sure you can afford a new amp.

I don't think selling the Pod is a good idea. I use it all the time. The keyboard is a pretty rare quot;vintagequot; item (for keyboards, the 80's is the vintage era), so I'm not too keen on selling that either.

I think Hoss' idea is the best. I'm hurtin' for cash, but it's not so bad that I can't find other options first.

Thanks all.

I'd sell the Raptor first off. When it came time to pick up a new poweramp, I'd get another Mesa Boogie 20/20 via ebay. Or in your case, get a Mesa Boogie 20/20 via ebay.

If that isn't enough, sell the Tele. But that's just me, because telecasters piss me off.

keep the mim strat and pod, sell the rest

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