
hey, i just got an ibanez sz520, there are d'addario XL extra light strings on it right now, i play mostly rhythm stuff and usually feel more comfortable playing my acoustic with mediums on it. how would putting heavier strings on my electric affect the tone? any recommendations as to how heavy, good brands for say .10-.12 guage strings? thanks, appreciate the input.

Thicker strings will make your guitar louder. Thicker strings = more mass producing the sound = more sound.

The strings will sound bigger because they ARE.

I use .011's, but a change from .009's to .010's will definitely improve your sound.

The other thing is that thicker, bigger strings will resist your fingers more and they will not quot;movequot; as easily. So although bends me be a bit harder (you will get used to it, trust me) chords will be in tune more, and you will have much better control over pitch in general. And thicker strings break less.

I ALWAYS tell my students to ditch the .009's and at LEAST go to .010's. Once you get used to it, .009's will feel like rubberbands.

There's only one way to see for yourself.....

Good luck bro!

Oh yea, the DR strings are great. I like the Pure Blues, but the Tite Fit are cool too (a bit brighter).
I use dean markley 11-52's and dr 11-50. like mac said bends are harder but when you get used to it its not bad. i'm so used to them i break 9's and 10 by bending them.

Ill second that DRs are great. I just put 11s on my strat and I can bend them easily for blues, they sound alot meatier and chirpy then the .10s used to, plus they dont break easy.

S.I.T. strings are great. In the 9 amp; 10 sets, they give you extra E amp; B strings, and the 11 set gives you a wound 20 and a plain 18.

I also like GHS amp; Ernie Ball a lot, but I think I may switch to D'Addario (local shop has a good deal) for standard sized sets.

i'd say .011s by d'addario would do the jb well. Or even ernieball either one both are great brands.

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