
I'm mulling over maybe getting rid of my line 6 open back 2x12 with custom celestions for another 2x12 cab with vintage 30's that's closed back..

anyone have something like this? what're your thoughts on how they sound?


Originally Posted by shreder75I'm mulling over maybe getting rid of my line 6 open back 2x12 with custom celestions for another 2x12 cab with vintage 30's that's closed back..

anyone have something like this? what're your thoughts on how they sound?


I got 2 of those cabs and i love them. the vintage 30 is a punchy midrange speaker that sounds very good in a closed back cabinet. on my cabinets i have a bright mode and vintage mode. I leave mine on vintage mode cuz it has a nice jazz clean sound and has a nice, fat distortion tone at low volumn.

cool..thanks for the input!

what brand of cabs are those, by the way?

they are old oversized 2/12 ADA cabs. they are very nice cabs.

cool..thanks again for the info =) I'm going to try closing off the back of my current cab..just to see how it sounds..can't hurt to mess around with it a little..and if I dig it, I probably won't get another cab...but we shall see =)

Shreder, I have a Genz Benz GFlex 212 for my Vetta II HD. Best 2x12 I've found so far for it.


you wouldn't happen to be andy z by any chance would you? I go to instituteofnoise all the time..I have a vetta as well =)

anywho, I hear good things about the genz benz cabs..but they're a wee bit pricey

start lookin around for some good used speaker cabs with vintage 30's in them. I think boogie started useing them alot in the 90's. Marshall will make them but they mostly make combo amps or half stacks so you may have to shop used boogie for a used 2/12 cab. I dont know what the wireing configeration is on boogie 2/12 cabs wether they have a bright or vintage switch or not. your in one of the biggest music markets in the world so you should be able to find somthing.

I have a Carvin Legacy 4x12 closed back with vintage 30's, it's AWESOME!

My take is- if you are using a modeling type amp, stick with the Line 6 cabs,that's what they were made for, and the speakers in them are very clean and uncolored. the Vintage 30's, are very midrange intensive, but if you are using a tube amp or a regular ss amp, you may like them.
Personally, I really don't care for the Vintage 30's. but that's just me. Although they sound a heck of alot better in a closed back cab, than an open back one.

I don't really know about the 2X12 but my 4X12 with Vintage 30's kicks ass. I'd think a closed 2X12 with them sound good also.

I use Mesa's closed backed cabs with V30's and they're very booming cabs. They're booming, but at the same time they're very tight.

Huge lows, punchy mids, and sparkling highs. It's a pretty neat cabinet.

that's what I'm curious about tight I can get the low range while still having it be present, ya know?

we shall see what happens =) I'm playin' right now and it sounds pretty friggin' you know how guitarists are..'maybe it can sound better!!!!'

anywho, I'm going to try to go direct as much as possible, but not every sound system's going to be as good as the first gig we played, that's for sure..and my guitar player's PA is only so good...we're working men after all..heheh..

so I want something a little tighter to sound better as a monitor as well as for just practice...anywho, I'm more curious than unhappy..I'm not unhappy at all..

and now I'm

anywho, thanks for the input guys..only way to tell is to go to a store and find an amp just like mine and put it through different cabs...

I think Traynor offers cabs with 30's in them... and not at a bad price either...


I think V30s sound great miked but not so special in the room. For live use, I prefer Classic 80s.

we shall I said, if I dig the results after I close off the back of my line 6 cab, then I'll stick with that..if not, I'm going to see what's out through the b-52 cabs, maybe genz benz (even though my wallet could use a rest) and see what I dig and what I don't...

it's like buying a can ask people what they think of a certain model all day long and get varied results...only way you're going to find out is to take it on a test drive =)

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