Maybe it's just an observation, but most players tend to gravitate toward the types of guitars that are befitting of their age, as they grow older.
However, some use the same stuff they used when they were 20, just out of familiarity.
Also, people's musical styles change over the years, which often dictates a certain instrument......sometimes no longer electric!
Provided you're going to be a longtime player, what do you see yourself playing as a Senior?
A Strat...I was born with one in my arms and I will be put in the ground with one in my arms(although there is a Mockingbird in my avatar lol).
A Gibson - I like them. Hopefully an SG. If I'm too square to tolerate the pointy shape, then I shouldn't be playing guitar anymore. That's a long time from now though.
Will we be seeing a lot of 60 year olds with Jackson V's and BC Rich's someday? ha ha
I'm pretty sure that when I'm between 50 and 80, I'll be playing pretty much what I play now.....Les Pauls, Strats, PRS McCarties, Teles, and 1 or 2 highend acoustics.
And maybe another hip guitar that's invented between now and then.
As for amps, I'm sure the high volume stuff will be a thing of my past. I'll probably have some of the greatest smaller tube amps ever made, and whatever the best digital amp of the day is. Imagine amp technology in 2030?! I'm pretty sure we won't be tripping over cords by then! I'm surprised we still are!
When I was a young boy I played guitars that were pointy and amps that had more gain than tone.
As I got older and I understood what good tone is the guitars I played list the points and the amps no longer had a gain knob.
I feel good knowing I own gear that I'm likely to be playing for at least a few decades.
I see myself with a small tube amp... Somelike the Blues Jr.
With a standard strat, no locking nut or floating trem for my old self to worry about.
Rock On
My family doesn't tend to live much past 50 (those that make it that far) I should be alright with what I have now.
i dunno i think i see myself with an amp similar to the one in the start of back to the future since by then my hearing would suck anyway from playing loud high gain music all the time that i'd need that monster to even hear it lol. as for guitars, who knows, i think i'll still have a bunch of the ones i do now along with a ton more by then!
Definitely a nice Martin Acoustic. If i'm still playing electric, probably something I built myself. Hopefully ampwise it'll be something I built myself.
Well being closer to 60 than to twenty: for amps only heads and cabinets. The old back can no longer lift combos, even the thought of a twin gives me a pain in my back that radiates down my leg . No 4x12 cabs either- too heavy, too loud. All amps must have master volumes as more playing is in rather than out.
Hopefully by the time I'm *old*, I can afford a PRS
Hopefully by the time I'm old I'd have found the LP shaped guitar that my great grandfather built. If you do a search, I posted it up on here. Maybe I should start another thread.
I'll still be playing my strats. As always. And my GA-30. Actually, alot of my gear is so old that it'll fit me right now in my younger years and it'll do in my older ones as well.
considering the state of my hearing...
Whatever's LOUD enough!
Probably a cool 30 watt 1x12 combo, like a Mesa F-30; those little suckers RIP!
Guitars... I don't know if I'll ever grow to like an LP or Strat. So I'll just say USA Jacksons, that way I have my pointy guitars and archtops covered.
Probably still my Teles, along with something like a Classic 30. I'm getting close to the amp already... all this digital shtuff... Gets tiring...
when im older ( 40s or 50s) i want to keep it simple and have good tone. ill probably have a modded strat and a les paul type guitar for my axes. then ill either have something like a classic 30 or a fender pro junior. a modded tubescreamer and maybe one other effect and thats it. ive been getting into real smooth tube tone lately instead of digital sounds.
Probably something like my Peters. It's an all tube amp at at 10W, it' won't aggravate my tinnitus too much or piss off the other geezers in the old folks home.
One of my Driskills will probably be the last guitar I give up. Joe builds 'em to last and they're very special instruments. The necks are very comfy, too.
Two things that I've had for years- my Hamer Daytona strat (hence the screen name) and my old original Mesa-Boogie Mark II. Barring unforeseen circumstances, I'll never part with either of them.
I'll probably play the same stuff I'm playing now. I'm into classy-looking gear and the more modern-looking suff doesn't appeal to me.
One thing I've noticed about the older professionals, who were gearheads back in their day, is that they focus on less is more, but extreme quality. A lot of the guys that were playing classic guitars back in their heyday are now using nothing but handmade boutiques, these days.
- Aug 20 Fri 2010 21:00
What Guitars and Amps will you use in your Senior years?