
well since i have been working on arpeggios i decided it was time to move on to different scales.

i am interested in jazz.

there is the jazz melodic minor scale. what other scales are quot;generallyquot; used?

same with chords... what types of chords are quot;generallyquot; used. i was looking through my book and it showed several minor and major 7ths, and some major 6ths.

okay quick quetion.

if i have say a I-IV-V porgression

say i am using the bar chords C-G-D

if i wanted to make a song interesting and use a Cmin7-Gmin7-Dmin7 instead would the progression still hold true?

some thing is telling my that it wont.
I have an idea for a song and I want it to have a Jazz feel to it. I would like to use a II-V-I progression with the I being a Minor(so i can use the Jazz melodic minor scale over the top of it). And if possible have a minor 7th and a major 6 somewhere in there.

i am still trying to get used to jazz so i am still feeling my way in through it with my rock mode that is why i am keeping it in a minor key and use my minor scale over the top of my chord progression.
this may be a silly question... but can i use a minor scale in a major key?
if my chord progression started with a C major could i use a minor scale over the top of it? same thing if i had a minor key could i use a minor scale over the top of it?
if i use the II-V-I progression out of this book


I can solo over the entire progression in a G major scale correct?

And if I was doing part of a scale per chord. I could use a Am scale over the II, a D major scale of the V, and a G major scale over the I?


an Am for the II, and a G major for the V and I?

Thanks for the help! Trying to figure out these little theory bits is very exciting for me.


Originally Posted by ericmeyer4---
if i use the II-V-I progression out of this book


I can solo over the entire progression in a G major scale correct?

And if I was doing part of a scale per chord. I could use a Am scale over the II, a D major scale of the V, and a G major scale over the I?


an Am for the II, and a G major for the V and I?

Basically, all you've said here is true, and if you worked that out for yourself then well done! Does it start to make a bit of sense now?

As for what you can use over a chord sequence the answer is 'anything', don't get hung up on what you should use rather than what sounds good. Use the scales you know as a starting point but then begin to experiement with some 'outside' notes i.e. put a different scale over a particular chord. To qoute your example, try putting something from the G minor scale over the Am in your II-V-I - very cool!

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